here is some pics of me (good and very bad)


New member
here is the most recent pics of me

i need to lose some stomech flab lol
still got at leat 20 lbs to lose
only been in the iron game for 16 months

i wanna bulk up all next year
and hit a local contest in August

hopefully i can lose the body fat
and keep a good bit of my muscle

but ive been told its way harder to do when your natural
You look like a mesomorph or an endomorph. My guess is that you gain muscle (or any weight) easily.

Since each additional lb. of muscle burns 30-50 calories at rest, I would advise you to bulk up first, which will make it easier for you to cut up later. You probably can gain muscle readily while eating pretty clean, so you shouldn't have to gain a lot of fat when you bulk.
the only stuff i use is creatine and glutmine

im totaly natural

Been thinking about trying some" Nitric oxcide" products
but thats about it

i wanna compete naturaly
see as far as i can get
You look great, except you look like you're naturally thick wasted. I suffer from this same affliction.

im hoping it looks like that
cause im still a bit over weight

but i guess ill never be a guy with a small waist ;(