here is some pics of me (good and very bad)

Chavie said:

im hoping it looks like that
cause im still a bit over weight

but i guess ill never be a guy with a small waist ;(

It's alright homeboy, I won't ever have a small waste either. You're still one thick ass dude though. I bet you're strong as an oxe.
Yeah, you look very strong and powerful. How much can you bench, squat/leg press, curl, shoulder/military press?
thanks guys

i dont really focus on weight

just what i feel is giving my muscles the best results
my leg press should reach 1500 soon though

although im focusing on my hams and glutes more now
so im doing a lot more squats (ass to the ground)
please man i am french student and worker one week/one week and you chavie, what is your job and what is your blood group man !????
just wondering but what does his blood type have to do with anything? seriously, no pum intended.