I notice a difference in how I feel with using HCG. I went from 250 iu 2x/wk to 500iu 2x/wk and it makes a difference.
If you need an AI with trt then chances are you're taking too much test or have an unhealthy GI tract.
Also I stay on hcg most of the year, my wife likes my cum lol..without hcg I have small loads.
You don't "need" HCG. Its an added for various reasons but in no way is needed. There also isn't any guarentee you will need an AI. My doc put me on 100mg a week and I don't need an AI at that dose.
If you are concerned about all that maybe you should try a restart. Talk to your doctor about clomid. It may help depending on what type of hypogonadism you have.
Wrong. You will need HCG for propper progesterone levels. Everyone is difference but eventually you will have been on so long the your levels of accompanying hormones will bottom.
See this is what bothers me about TRT. If it's one shot a week that's fine, but now you gotta do hcg and since I have a little gyno, need an AI. Just can't be healthy pumping all those meds for the rest of my life