hey am new here and i appreciate your help :)


New member
hello everyone , am new here and i would like to know some info about first cycle..
am 21 years old , 5'6 , around 75 kg.
no wonder am afraid to start steroids , been training since 17/18 yrs , started like 50 kg and reached up to 75 / 80 kg with supps and 6 meals , my bf i dont know exct but not much .. i want to know whats the proper cycle for me ( should be test only as everybody says ) , so i need to know if i can go for it or am still too young to start such cycle .. if yes i want to know the exct program or schedule .. i appreciate details for pct as am a begginer in steroid topics ..
You should wait. You can get plenty of gains still at your age/size with proper training, diet, sleep, etc.

The other big issue is that your brain / endocrine system are still developing until you get to about age 25. Running a cycle now can very easily mess up that development. Be patient and wait. AAS will be there when you are ready.

Go through the threads and read the horror stories about young guys who wish they had waited until they were ready.
well am not that type of person who listen and ignore , i appreciate your advice and yea i think i will wait :), is there anything else that can help is muscle mass like rl help .. i usually get protein powder / BCAA / glutamine and stuff but i feel like am stuck there or less progress .. so what about animal m-stack / gh freak etc , somepeople told me your age is way enough to produce g/h and testosterone so animal m stak and g/h freak will be a waste .. so anything else that can help me to gain more mass . ( i hate that feeling to train hard eat much and still low progress ) ;( , i appreciate your recommendations about animal m-stak etc
The guy that a lot of people here use for help is 3J. His ad is on the right side of youe screen. I have never known anyone to take advantage of his services and not come away happy. He is a moderator here too. If I were you I would get in contact with him to talk about your goals and see what he can do to help you reach them.