HGH after surgery


New member
I am 23 years old with a broken scaphoid (bone in the wrist right below the thumb). I broke it from a snowboard accident in April. when I visited the emergency room the hospital missed the broken wrist. I even went to my physician the day after who also missed it. For the next month I tried working out on it which was a mistake. In early may I knew it was time to see an orthopedic who found the broken scaphoid which is commonly missed in early x-rays :( ... We tried casting it for the last few months, but since it was not caught earlier it did not heal properly. In addition, there is already low blood flow to this area sometimes none. In my case the cat results show little to none.

My only option is to get surgery, which is placing a screw and bone grafting (this scrapping of a healthier bone from another part of my wrist or hip and placing it over the broken area to promote bone growth).

I have done my research and even my doctor says that this procedure is only 75- 80% likely to heal.

This is why I come to you guys and ask if HGH a viable solution to help my healing process after surgery. (Note I will be in a cast post surgery for up to 4-6months hopefully with hgh shorter)

I've done my research and see lots of threads, reviews, etc against taking hgh at such a young age, but my concern is that my wrist may not heal and I may never be able to get back into my lifting routine. I havent been able to lift since april which makes me one sad man :(. Also this surgery could put me out a year and if it doesnt heal i could attempt another surgery but that means im out even longer... so hopefully you understand why i turn to hgh (or anything..) to help my healing process.

If I do decide to take hgh.. My plan would be to use taitropin (because i can get it and money isnt an issue) and take it a low dosage around 2 to 3 ius a day. Would this be enough, is it worth it, should I even do it?

Thanks in advanced for your opinions.

when I visited the emergency room the hospital missed the broken wrist.
yeah it's one nasty fracture that appear in xray only after 2 weeks
usually misdiagnosed as sprain

In addition, there is already low blood flow to this area sometimes none
another nasty thing about this bone ,,, low blood supply and it's coming from the distal part to the proximal part ,, which isn't good for healing

anyway, I think surgery is your best option ,,, GH will not act on your fracture cause simply it can't reach somewhere your blood doesn't reach

I know this isn't what you wanna hear, but GH will be waste of time IMO
GH will not act on your fracture cause simply it can't reach somewhere your blood doesn't reach

Well, its not to say there isnt any blood supply its just very low... Also, my doctors goal is to bone graft a part of my wrist with a blood vessel still attached to the bone. In some cases the blood vessel dies, so I'm thinking hgh could help with that?
I think after you have the procedure that HGH would help give a better precentage of healing. I've used it to heal from surgerys and damage done due to radiation treament. It as done wonders for me.
I think after you have the procedure that HGH would help give a better precentage of healing. I've used it to heal from surgerys and damage done due to radiation treament. It as done wonders for me.

hgh at 23 yrs old too young?

If you dont mind me asking, how old were you?
hgh at 23 yrs old too young?

If you dont mind me asking, how old were you?

Why do you think it's too young???? What study states that there is a minimal age limit for HGH? Are you sure you're not getting HGH confused with AAS.

HGH is given to people in their teens and early 20's by doctors for growth. At 23, it wont assist with growing taller or with that much anti-aging, but it will with muscle growth and healing/recovery. I was 29 when I took it.
well, HGH helps in formation of bones and muscle mass as revealed by hgh advanced review but I don't know whether it is safe to be used for recovering after surgery. you should consult your doctor.

hgh advanced review
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I used GH after surgery on my rotator cuff. I healed very fast in almost 1/2 the time of normal people. For healing properties you only need to use 1.5-2iu/day. 3 iu/day will be too much. Another thing to keep in mind, when you heal faster you scar worse, Im not sure of the incision they will be doing on you but you should invest in some scar gel or something for post op.

good luck!
Not only will it Help in recovery most insurance companys will cover it for that purpose what does that tell ya?
when i had surg... i always use my aloe vera plant for the juice to put on scar while healing and had less scaring.. yeah.. 2iu a day at the most