HGH and T3 , does the T3 hurt?? Critique cycle


New member
I have read several times that running T3 on top of HGH can negate the anabolic properties (nitrogen retention) of the HGH. You will still see a leaning effect from the HGH but not so much of the muscle building properties that comes with extended long term use.

I have read this in quite a few places, but not sure where bro science is replacing truth or vice versa.

I would venture to guess that T3 could have crushed some peoples size cause they only ran the T3 with the HGH.And now the myth is out there. Also If you are going to see leaning from anything it will be from the T3 over the HGH. Of course if you are running these two with a 500mg dose of test you wouldnt see any muscle waste. So to actually make the above statement one would need actual research papers and not just from expeirence.

SOmething I am considering and still doing my research on would to do this cycle:

42 yrs old, 5-11, 200-205 lbs

Test 500mg/wk
Tbol or anavar (50mg/day) 8weeks
maybe Proviron (50mg/day)Through out cycle
HGH 6iu/day
T3 50mcg/day
Aromasin ED
HCG 2x wk

Goal: To lose belly fat, go from 14-15% BF (my BF should be lower by cycle time as I am already eating tighter) to 10% (or close)

Training : 4-5 day split with plenty of cardio and afternoon naps

Diet : clean with a cheater here and there.
Bad diet habit: eat too much natural PB (its my weakness)
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So bonexyster, just to clarify, you said "hgh increses t3 and can keep it producing while medicating with t3." So you are saying that hgh will keep our natural t3 producing even while medicating t3?

Thanks for the links I will read em/.
People with severely under active thyroid can reach normal levels just adding hgh. Those with normal levels aiding with hgh have elevated t3 levels. Hgh corrects hypothyroidism when you supplement with t3 you self induce hypothyroidism. People suspect that they are taking 40mcg of t3 unaware thier body has continued making its natural t3, which on average is about 25mcg. So thier taking 40mcg and making 25mcg, that's if thier not making 30mg because of the hgh lol that's a shit load, I can see why thier burning up muscle.
SO then it would be better to take a smaller dose of t3 whilst on hgh. Instead of 50mcg take 25mcg. And the hgh will also help the body produce its own t3 on top of that. So potentially (as long as you are healthy and dont have hypothyroidism) you will natural production at 25mcg plus exogenous levels at 25mcg which equals 50mcg.
SO then it would be better to take a smaller dose of t3 whilst on hgh. Instead of 50mcg take 25mcg. And the hgh will also help the body produce its own t3 on top of that. So potentially (as long as you are healthy and dont have hypothyroidism) you will natural production at 25mcg plus exogenous levels at 25mcg which equals 50mcg.

that's probably pretty close. I'm interested how it works out for you. You should run a log.
High is notorious for lowering t4..
IMHO, supplementing with t4 is essential , so between t3 and t4 , I ll always choose t4 as it converts to t3..
Taking the t3 (only) route, while on hgh is not the best approach .. But u can always add it for extra fat loss.
make sure your tsh levels are not super low already (which means you have a hyperactive thyroid) the dumbest thing you can do is add t3 to a hyperactive thyroid..

i myself am borderline hyperactive so i stay away from it..
A lot of people say t3 makes them flat and they don't take into account their caloric deficit and carbohydrate depletion.
make sure your tsh levels are not super low already (which means you have a hyperactive thyroid) the dumbest thing you can do is add t3 to a hyperactive thyroid..

i myself am borderline hyperactive so i stay away from it..

3 J , Im gonna run labs soon but I was reviewing my labs from this time last yr and my TSH uptake was 1.75 on a scale of .19 - 4.7
That puts my thyroid closer to hyper than hypo. So you would say to stay away from T3?
3 J , Im gonna run labs soon but I was reviewing my labs from this time last yr and my TSH uptake was 1.75 on a scale of .19 - 4.7
That puts my thyroid closer to hyper than hypo. So you would say to stay away from T3?

i think you should be fine
So taking HGH will/can increase the conversion of t4 to t3 and cause TSH serum levels to drop meaning the thyroid becomes more active thereby burning more calories.

We also know that increased IGF will slow down the bodies ability to burn glucose by the igf binding to the receptors and blocking insulin.The body will then convert fat storage and burn that more readily.

So these are two actions that HGH will create to cause fatloss.

So HGH acts like what would happen if you supplement with T3.

T3 will make the thyroid metabolize carbs,fat & muscle. Is this the same occurrence with taking HGH? The HGH is making the thyroid more active so it seems common sense this would mean HGH can cause muscle to metabolize....?

Also, if low dose hgh is only good for fatloss then it would just make sense not to even bother taking it because you can just use t3, cheaper & more effective.

Thoughts anyone?