hgh bulk powder?


not a wigger
I might have access to hgh bulk powder. I was trying to figure out a cheap way to use hgh bulk powder. If anyone has done this, please PM me. I want to make sure I can effectively use it before I acquire it.

I have heard that the fragility of the peptide renders it difficult to use outside of a laboratory due to atmospheric pressure and moisture.

I have attempted to devise a method but I am not sure if it will work.

How important is it that powder not be kept cool during shipping?

Assuming that the powder was not harmed by heat exposure during shipping, the only factors I am aware of that prevent us from effectively using bulk hgh powder are:

1) moisture
2) sterility
3) pressure

Please, correct me if I am wrong and there are other factors that need to be considered.

1) Moisture:

Could you just use a Cole Palmer glove bag (actw like a glove box so we can seal off the experiment from the external environment) and use a desiccant pack to remove the humidity from the chamber/bag? I believe this should eliminate the moisture factor.

2) Sterility:

Seems to me that sterility should not be too big of a factor because bacteria would not grow much in a dry peptide powder kept in a vacuum sealed sterile vial. When we reconstitute the powder, we could use bacteriostatic water so growth of bacteria after reconstitution should not be a factor. If sterility is still a factor, couldn't we just filter the reconstituted gh through a whatman filter like we do when converting gear, or would the filtration process damage the fragile gh peptide?

3) Pressure:

Would pressure really be a factor in the small amount of time it would take to transfer bulk hgh powder into vials? After transfering to vials, we could use a syringe to aspirate the air from the vial so as to create a near vacuum until the hgh powder is reconstituted.

I welcome any opinions about this method.
it all sounds possible to me. i would like to know if someone has taken advantage of this bulk offering as well, and how the did it. I would have tried by now, but it is an expensive experiment to fail.
few guys around here chip in and split it up. they make it all up enough to last 60 days each and keep it refrigerated. does this work? i dont know, depends on what lit you read.
I asked about this on another board and someone said they "think" (but admitted they might be wrong) that once hgh powder is exposed to air "it's all over".

If this is the case, I wonder if you could hook up a vacuum pump to the gas port in the glove bag. Then suck out the air, inflate with dry nitrogen (which can be purchased at welding supply stores). Then open up the vial and transfer the powder.

I would love to hear from any one who has actually used hgh powder - if any such person really exists LOL.
i have done a lot of gh over the years. once its reconstitued its fine but for how long is the question. some lit says 60 days while others say 14 days. i never made up more than i could do in a week to be on the safe side. i'd load up the syringes and keep them refrigerated.

if you got a 600IU bottle you'd have to make it all up and refrigerate it. thats why the guys i menetioned go in togehter and buy a few bottles but only recon enough to last 60 days each. that works out on 5iu/d 5 on 2 off for 60 days.

as for me i always bought the 100iu kits with 10iu amps. a liitle more expensive but i didnt want to deal with the issue you talking about or have to go in with other folks.

good luck. i have seen this question asked many times but never a deffinate answer.