HGH Frag

Strong Man

Over Train
So i've been researching HGH frag because my Wifey is looking to take something for faster weight loss. I'm currently running HGH at 2iu ED and just started 3 days ago. I thinking she is to young for real HGH and have seen where the Frag is good for weight loss.

Q1 Have any of you guys and gals had good results with this frag?

Q2 What is a good dose to start with and how long?

Q3 If the frag is not the best peptide for weight loss then what would be a good choice?
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Frag Dosage is usually 500mcg daily. as for time length, It depends on person and goals. but i would rec at least 3mo + if you are gonna run it.
best pep for fatloss? Well personally I would rec a GHRH (like sermorelin) and GHRP2 combo... but this would be to boost GH levels and you just said you dont think she needs GH.. so I would say the Frag may work for what you are looking for.
Diet will be key though, you can easily over eat , take Frag and not lose anything. but if diet is on point the Frag will help speed up the fatloss.
even at a younger age GH will still have good effects. its juts notice more so when older because ( i believe) your levels decline and it stands out when you use it. but it would still have good effect now.
anyway 250mcg-1mg ed is good ( I would aim for higher dose, 500-750mcg ed imo)
Frag Dosage is usually 500mcg daily. as for time length, It depends on person and goals. but i would rec at least 3mo + if you are gonna run it.
best pep for fatloss? Well personally I would rec a GHRH (like sermorelin) and GHRP2 combo... but this would be to boost GH levels and you just said you dont think she needs GH.. so I would say the Frag may work for what you are looking for.
Diet will be key though, you can easily over eat , take Frag and not lose anything. but if diet is on point the Frag will help speed up the fatloss.
even at a younger age GH will still have good effects. its juts notice more so when older because ( i believe) your levels decline and it stands out when you use it. but it would still have good effect now.
anyway 250mcg-1mg ed is good ( I would aim for higher dose, 500-750mcg ed imo)

Yea I think she will start out at 250mcg ed and take it up from there until around 500mcg or so. thanks for the input, I don't know much about peptides. All I know is AAS but these peptides seems very interesting and wanting to try myself.

Off the topic but would be a good peptide to stack with HGH?? I just started running it for the first time and have been pinning 2iu every morning and have been sleeping like a baby! good stuff!
Will frag work on a keto (ckd) diet? Been interested in trying frag.

Yes it will. if anything it will enhance the noticed effects from the hgh frag imo
I would get a bunch of btls from rui and AT LEAST carb cycle if you are going to use it.
Yes it will. if anything it will enhance the noticed effects from the hgh frag imo
I would get a bunch of btls from rui and AT LEAST carb cycle if you are going to use it.

thank you for the heads up. the frag is in the mail. I am going to take 250mcg twice a day. everything i read on frag says to take it in a fasted state first thing in the morning (cardio) and before bed, 3 hours after the last meal. i will try to adhere to those principles but eat CKD style between.
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Yea I think she will start out at 250mcg ed and take it up from there until around 500mcg or so. thanks for the input, I don't know much about peptides. All I know is AAS but these peptides seems very interesting and wanting to try myself.

Off the topic but would be a good peptide to stack with HGH?? I just started running it for the first time and have been pinning 2iu every morning and have been sleeping like a baby! good stuff!
igf1 des or even sermorelin & ghrp2 combo would be nice. the combo boosts your hGH levels out put pluse the added 2iu you are adding would be nice. but the combo you would pin 3X a day ( atleast 2X imo)