HGH or PRP post bankart surgery?


New member
I dislocated my shoulder 2 months ago and had posterior bankart surgery 2 weeks ago.Now i am looking for best recovery options and return to bodybuilding.I talked with my surgeon and he let me have a PRP 2 weeks later.Now i wonder if i use HGH plus PRP or only PRP is enough and HGH doesnt make sense(PRP has growth factors in)??
I dislocated my shoulder 2 months ago and had posterior bankart surgery 2 weeks ago.Now i am looking for best recovery options and return to bodybuilding.I talked with my surgeon and he let me have a PRP 2 weeks later.Now i wonder if i use HGH plus PRP or only PRP is enough and HGH doesnt make sense(PRP has growth factors in)??

Im with you buddy. Ive had 5 shoulder surgeries. 2 on the right, 3 on the left. Ive dislocated them severely enough that i had to go to the hospital to have them put back in 18 times. Im 41 now, this was when i was in my 20's. I used to race motocross professionally. Although these injuries happened during my amature carreer and my professional carreer. Anyway, that was the past. Now im recovering from a pilon fracture. Its a severe ankle break. I broke both the tibia, fibula, and the ankle bone in 7 places. Ive had 3 surgeries so far. So im desperately trying to move the healing process along too. Because im unable to work and wont be able to for some time, i decided that hgh is out of my budget. I have used it before, but its effects happen slowly. You have to be able to commit to its use for a long time, atleast 6 months. In addition, there's lots of bunk hgh out there. Unless you are getting human grade, or riptropins, i wouldnt even consider it. Ive decided to use igf 1 lr3. Im also seriously considering tb500. Tb500 wont be cheap either though, cheaper than growth hormone though, and you dont have to do it as long.
I didnt mean to wine about all my injuries, but ive given hgh a lot of thought because of them. I would certainly do some igf 1 lr3. And do a little research on tb500. There are some tb500 logs on here too. One of them is even for a shoulder injury. The best advice i can give you, is take your physical therapy very seriously. The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the human body. Our arm would fall off if we didnt have muscle and ligament to hold it on.
Good luck with your recovery. Hopefully its not the arm you wipe your ass with. Because learning to wipe your ass with your other hand is a real challenge.
Thank you very much for your help.Do you know anything about PRP or tried before?I see alot of good articles and alot of professional athletes use PRP for early return to sports.And it is very safe they make from your own blood.ALSO some great growth factors in.
Im with you buddy. Ive had 5 shoulder surgeries. 2 on the right, 3 on the left. Ive dislocated them severely enough that i had to go to the hospital to have them put back in 18 times. Im 41 now, this was when i was in my 20's. I used to race motocross professionally. Although these injuries happened during my amature carreer and my professional carreer. Anyway, that was the past. Now im recovering from a pilon fracture. Its a severe ankle break. I broke both the tibia, fibula, and the ankle bone in 7 places. Ive had 3 surgeries so far. So im desperately trying to move the healing process along too. Because im unable to work and wont be able to for some time, i decided that hgh is out of my budget. I have used it before, but its effects happen slowly. You have to be able to commit to its use for a long time, atleast 6 months. In addition, there's lots of bunk hgh out there. Unless you are getting human grade, or riptropins, i wouldnt even consider it. Ive decided to use igf 1 lr3. Im also seriously considering tb500. Tb500 wont be cheap either though, cheaper than growth hormone though, and you dont have to do it as long.
I didnt mean to wine about all my injuries, but ive given hgh a lot of thought because of them. I would certainly do some igf 1 lr3. And do a little research on tb500. There are some tb500 logs on here too. One of them is even for a shoulder injury. The best advice i can give you, is take your physical therapy very seriously. The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the human body. Our arm would fall off if we didnt have muscle and ligament to hold it on.
Good luck with your recovery. Hopefully its not the arm you wipe your ass with. Because learning to wipe your ass with your other hand is a real challenge.
I've been plagued with shoulder probs for years. Real pain, as once the shoulder is tweaked there's nothing you can do gym-wise. Looked at HGH as well but damn expensive. Would be interested in any answers you get mahmut.
i have had back to back to back knee blow outs. at the moment, both my knees are blown out. i know exactly what its like to not be able to do common everyday shit that everyone else takes for granted.. in my case i cant even sit down properly to take that shit with out my knee buckling. i just dont have the $$ to repair them right now. but when i do, i will most definately get on 3-5 iu's of HGH a day (6 days a wk) starting immediately post op for the duration of 9 months. i will also do a few sessions of PRP therapy with one sesh before they stitch me up and a sesh once every 10 days for a total of 4 sessions. PRP therapy is truly the way to go to repair any injury. i will also do test/ deca starting ten days after post op for 15 wks then probably start adequan (if i can find any) for another 8-10 wks.... throughout all this, get on every single joint supp and natty supp i can. if i knew what i know now of all things anabolic and recovery related back on my first knee surgery, i am confident that my life would be a hell of alot better today. good luck bro. this is all very expensive shit even with insurance. so start saving now
A year ago, had PRP injections to fix tendonitis and labrum tear in throwing shoulder - it worked great, no more pain and PRP was the ONLY thing that worked - tried everything else for months, except for surgery, now going back to get PRP in torn/frayed UCL ligament (elbow) -from throwing. Also, will be getting PRP in non-throwing shoulder after tearing labrum and tendons in shoulder doing bicep curls (straight bar). I will report on how things go...
If the past success is any indication of how things will go this time, I highly recommend it. Important note, these were and will be done without HGH or anything added to it, because Doc doesn't believe in it.