HGH worth it for someone in their early thirties?


mPUA "el diablo"
im looking at Jins 100/iu's per kit--3 kits.

wondering if it is really worth it..ive got about 5 good cycles
under my belt spread over a few years...was wondering
what the vets thought about starting HGH

not looking to gain huge mass--as i know HGH isnt known
for packing on the pounds..i could care less about the sense
of well being.............

if i did decide would 3 jin kits be enough to run a good HGH cycle?
thats up to you bro-- money to what you really gain ratio no its not worth it for most people --

myself i like it --

my sleep and mood have improved and my fat loss has been good --
At thirty ,it depends on how much money you make . I'd say go for it. It will help keep you leaner and younger looking, besides the muscles. With the effects on your organs I don't know why more people don't take HGH. Well, there is the cost.
i dont think cost would be too much of an issue..i have stock
that is going nowhere fast........do you think 3 kits is enough?
I've only done 1 cycle of Jintropin GH, lasted 3.5 months @ 3IU's per day. And, YES, it is good for putting on size & bodyweight...that is exactly what I used it for. It depends on how you diet while on it. I took it with alot of test, deca, & dbol, and I gained 12 pounds more than I usually do on that cycle! Which is good for a 40-year-old who's been training 25+ years. Although most was probably water in the beginning, those type of gains are still hard to come by for trainees my age with only average-to-low genetics. This year I look forward to using it for both bulking & dieting.
I've been using 2iu's ed just to help me get back in shape from a couple of racing accidents in '04. So far it's doing everything I want it too. I've done cycles, and I didn't want to explode. I just needed some help getting back in my game at 34, I was laid up for 5 months with a couple fractures and it has definitly helped me make a comeback.
3 kits of 100units each should do you fine. Start out doing 2 ius ED. Give it 6 months though and you will be happy you did.
300 units should give you a good gh run...i've been on 2-3 iu jinos, 5on/2off for the last 16 months and won't ever come off, if i have my way...the benefits, even at a low dose are great...run it at least 6 mos, as hgh man suggested and you'll be very happy...the longer you run it, the more apparent the benefits become, even at a low dose like i use...
i think you should run it every day. i did a few kits last year and it completely healed all my shoulder problems, and definately helped me cut. i stayed hard and maintained alot of mass on GH. if i could afford it, id finish this cycle and run GH from now on at like 5ius a day and never touch Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) again. just my opinion though.
It was well worth it to heal my shoulder as well. It leaned me out also. I'd say it would be worth it if I was pulling down $200,000 or more a year. Otherwise, I don't think the bang for the buck is justified. I don't believe it will put any mass on you.
yep its permanent bro, ive had no pain or problems but im sure it would be very easy to re-injure it. its hard trying to rember that it doesnt matter whose dick is bigger in the gym sometimes. lol
^^^ you don't say, that's some amazing shit brother, thanks for enlightening the ology community