

New member
I've been wanting to use HGH for the past year or so. I've juggled with the idea of Peptides but now have the "real deal" in sight.

Questions / Comments -

1) I KNOW it is highly recommended to run HGH w/ Test, but I "cant". Since around the age of 19 I've suffered from secondary hypogonadism / and Erectile Dysfunction. I've only used AS once and that was around the age of 21 - (and that didn't even help w/ my ED!). So my Dr. suspects there is another psychogenic component to this - maybe depression, etc.... Anyway, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) still does prove beneficial in my case as it does improve my libido. Therefore, I am using Clomid. I have been using it for 6 months now and the results have been great. I'm not "over" the limit but I am in the 65-75% range of both total and free test (free test isn't over the limit but its in a high range). Therefore, given my problems with Test in the past (and the other problems associated with it) I won't be running TEST with GH. Could this be a problem?

2) Peptides usually come in forms that can help the natural release of GH. This is Synthetic GH. How will it affect my bodies ability to produce GH during and after I'm done? I assume (like when using AS) Your body will stop producing it until your done with your post cycle therapy (pct) and then your natural production will restart.

3) Is there any post cycle therapy (pct) required for GH?

4) What is the usual dosing for GH? My main goal is hyperplasmia and other anti aging benefits.

5) What brand and/or manufacturer of the GH should I look out for? I know there is a lot of dirt stuff out there.

Dude ur in over your head. Way way over your head.

Look for a GH fourm, like for anti aging and learn as much as u can. Than start saving cuz for a 8 month run you ll need about 2.5-3k