High blood pressure. any dr. in?


New member
ok here are my stats 235lbs 6'1 and approx 14% BF
currently on about 600mgs of test a week and have been on this since december.

well my BP while i have been checking it on a small cuff (thigh cuff not in yet) is high. 155 over 110. what do i do now? should i be alarmed? i feel fine and sleep great. cardio for 20min three times a week at a moderate pace. thanks!
Well, those numbers are high, as in hypertensive high, but again a small, tight fitting cuff, might not give you the most accurate reading. Till you get the right fitting cuff, try placing the small cuff on your forearm and see what kind of reading you get.

You must remember that although you feel fine, there could still be problems, as high bp does not usually present symptoms until some damage has been done.

I assume you are testing this on your own, so for your own piece of mind why not go to a doctors and get it checked with a proper cuff. That way if it is actually that high, you could get put on some bp meds right away.
That is high. Get the large cuff and check again. If you have doubt get it checked at the Drs (I have a friend that is an EMT I have her do mine because I hate Drs). If it's still 155/110 that's to high. Mine has gone up to 148/92 which was a concern for me. I check mine every day when I'm on a cycle.
thanks for the input guys! i didnt tell you that there is a nurse in my office that has been checking it, so i know that except for the small cuff it is pretty accurate.

well, i talked to a dr. friend today about the pressure and she wants me to come in and get an EKG. she said that she would not write in her report that im on the Test. so that is cool. but she cant get me in till early march. by then i will be off cycle anyway and starting or already into my post cycle therapy. will the BP meds affect anything that we are doing here?? she also said that losing about 20lbs would be helpful of course i responded WTF!! why in the hell would i want to lose weight! im trying to get big here!!

any and all suggestions would be most helpful!!! and StoneCold, thanks for all the great advice over that last couple of months!
Did you ever get it checked w/ the proper sized cuff? This may be much ado about nothing.
Any time you use an overly small cuff (ie, regular size for most of us) the reading WILL be falsely high. Always. If that's the case, it's not hypertension. Too big a cuff, falsely low. As Stone cold says, you can use the forearm or ankle, bu unless it's a plethysmographic BP machine, you won't get a good reading.
The diagnosis requires a properly fitting cuff. That's why cuffs some in all sizes, from neonatal to thigh cuffs.
And to the other bro, the doctor hater: that's getting really old. There are some of us on these boards who resent the stereotyping. It's like saying, I hate construction workers, or, I hate college students, or whatever. Reel it in.
Could you please clarify something for me?

Your Dr friend can not get you in for an ECG till March.......,or.....can not see you period till March? If she can not see you at all till March & you're sure you're bp readings are accurate, I'd seriously get in to see another doctor asap, just don't say anything about the extra test. At least that way you will get some meds to bring it down. You could also donate a pint of blood and see if that helps any.

I don't want to alarm you , but 155/110 is very high, as you know, and you also know what happens to it when you lift heavy. What is your pulse like?
buffdoc said:
Did you ever get it checked w/ the proper sized cuff? This may be much ado about nothing.
Any time you use an overly small cuff (ie, regular size for most of us) the reading WILL be falsely high. Always. If that's the case, it's not hypertension. Too big a cuff, falsely low. As Stone cold says, you can use the forearm or ankle, bu unless it's a plethysmographic BP machine, you won't get a good reading.
The diagnosis requires a properly fitting cuff. That's why cuffs some in all sizes, from neonatal to thigh cuffs.
And to the other bro, the doctor hater: that's getting really old. There are some of us on these boards who resent the stereotyping. It's like saying, I hate construction workers, or, I hate college students, or whatever. Reel it in.

taking high dosages of test and bulking up can increase the bp. Water retention can also increas blood pressure especially if you have family history with hypertension. My advice is to either lower down your test dosages or add armidex to counter the water retention. Watch your diet and eat clean. Thats good you checked your blood pressure. Remmeber Hypertension is a silent killer.
the larger cuff should be in any day now and im very interested in seeing if that makes a difference.. as for the water retention i am taking 1/2 nolvadex EOD to help with that. only a couple more doses until the cycle is over so we will continue to check it and see.

yep, march is the earliest she can get me in. she doesnt seem overly stressed about this. she did however want to run some tests to check the heart
buffdoc said:

And to the other bro, the doctor hater: that's getting really old. There are some of us on these boards who resent the stereotyping. It's like saying, I hate construction workers, or, I hate college students, or whatever. Reel it in.

Sorry about my opinion but I have yet to find a Dr here in my area that I don't find arrogant and condescending. I'm sure there area doctors out there that are really good and genuinely care about their patients but I have yet to find one. I got the sense from the last doctor that I went to that he thought he was better than me because he had a medical degree. I actually had a long chat with him about this. He did apologize about what I perceived as an attitude after I pointed out to him that I was not condescending toward him because he could not engineer a state wide fiber optic network. He seemed to act differently towed me when he found out that I wasn't just some "muscle head" but also had an advanced education.
I hope I can find a doctor I like and can trust with my personal information. I have a feeling that most doctors have more loyalty to the insurance companies and drug manufacturers than they do to their patients. I know that doctors are human and there are probably more good than bad but I see more that seem to want to help themselves rather than help their patients.
I mean no disrespect to you if you are a doctor or in med school. I hope you much success and would like to think you will be a person who serves your patients rather than yourself.
It is just my opinion from my personal experience.
saturn said:
Sorry about my opinion but I have yet to find a Dr here in my area that I don't find arrogant and condescending. I'm sure there area doctors out there that are really good and genuinely care about their patients but I have yet to find one. I got the sense from the last doctor that I went to that he thought he was better than me because he had a medical degree. I actually had a long chat with him about this. He did apologize about what I perceived as an attitude after I pointed out to him that I was not condescending toward him because he could not engineer a state wide fiber optic network. He seemed to act differently towed me when he found out that I wasn't just some "muscle head" but also had an advanced education.
I hope I can find a doctor I like and can trust with my personal information. I have a feeling that most doctors have more loyalty to the insurance companies and drug manufacturers than they do to their patients. I know that doctors are human and there are probably more good than bad but I see more that seem to want to help themselves rather than help their patients.
I mean no disrespect to you if you are a doctor or in med school. I hope you much success and would like to think you will be a person who serves your patients rather than yourself.
It is just my opinion from my personal experience.

You actually have some good points here bro. And I'm sure Buffdoc would concur as well.........there ARE condescending, arrogant, sleazy, dishonest, ingenuine, PRICKS in the medical field....as there are in EVERY profession. Buffdoc just feels like he's been the blunt of personal attacks lately. This is the third thread I can think of within the last 3 weeks that somehow concludes in a defamation of all doctors. In his defense, he comes on these boards to share his years of knowledge and is very helpful; yet he and his profession gets attacked while doing so.

That's all bro.............just making sure you realize that NO ONE likes people to generalize about his/her profession. Surely, you understand this! It's counter-productive to the board's positive atmosphere anyway!

Now, take MAD doses of Clomid, go watch The Sound of Music 2 or 3 times, shed a few tears, and huddle up with Buffdoc and express your feelings and show some love.


DRveejay11 said:
You actually have some good points here bro. And I'm sure Buffdoc would concur as well.........there ARE condescending, arrogant, sleazy, dishonest, ingenuine, PRICKS in the medical field....as there are in EVERY profession. Buffdoc just feels like he's been the blunt of personal attacks lately. This is the third thread I can think of within the last 3 weeks that somehow concludes in a defamation of all doctors. In his defense, he comes on these boards to share his years of knowledge and is very helpful; yet he and his profession gets attacked while doing so.

That's all bro.............just making sure you realize that NO ONE likes people to generalize about his/her profession. Surely, you understand this! It's counter-productive to the board's positive atmosphere anyway!

Now, take MAD doses of Clomid, go watch The Sound of Music 2 or 3 times, shed a few tears, and huddle up with Buffdoc and express your feelings and show some love.



Man I don't even need clomid to shed a tear while watching sound of music.:bawling:

I have nothing against buffdoc and appreciate his input as I appreciate all the members that make a contribution to the forum. And again I apologize if I offended buffdoc with my opinion (my opinions often offend). Just be glad that he wasn't a sales man or marketer I would really have a few things to say then (bunch of soulless bastards).:D :D :D
eagle_lex said:
the larger cuff should be in any day now and im very interested in seeing if that makes a difference.. as for the water retention i am taking 1/2 nolvadex EOD to help with that. only a couple more doses until the cycle is over so we will continue to check it and see.

yep, march is the earliest she can get me in. she doesnt seem overly stressed about this. she did however want to run some tests to check the heart

I'd be really surprised if you didn't drop about 20mm systolic and diastolic with a proper cuff, unless yo' arms ain't really that big ;-)
One of the first things I ever learned about hypertension is: make sure your equipment is right. Same w/ EKG's: don't defibrillate the patient yet! He's not straight-lining. He just has a loose EKG lead!
In other words, make sure the inanimate stuff is functioning properly before making judgements about the patients clinical status.
Let's hope, huh!?
Saturn and DrVJ
Thanks for the good words. Yeah, my tail's felt a little chewed on here lately; I love the board, and I'm mainly here to learn, which I do immensely. I probably read a hundred posts for every one I write.
A lot of Saturn's points are well taken; I try to be everything in my practice that is opposite from what most of us experience w/ doctors; hence, I tend to take exception when I feel "lumped in".
From now on, however, I promise not to take it personally unless someone says "those fucking arrogant, condescending doctors, including Buffdoc and his God-forsaken ilk!" Then I'll be pissed!
buffdoc said:
Saturn and DrVJ
From now on, however, I promise not to take it personally unless someone says "those fucking arrogant, condescending doctors, including Buffdoc and his God-forsaken ilk!" Then I'll be pissed!

What a class act ;)

Saturn and Buffdoc.....group hug :p :3some:

buffdoc said:
You da man. BTW, have you ever considered a second career in diplomacy?

Shit....I thought that's what his Doctorate was in.......Diplomacy !! :D

You mean he specializes in another field too ?? :confused: