High Blood pressure & fat burners.


New member
Im on an ace inhibitor and a diuretic for my blood pressure. Im also on a low dose of test 250mgs/wk. Can I safely use clen or/and an eca stack while monitoring my blood pressure levels ?
Tryn2 said:
Im on an ace inhibitor and a diuretic for my blood pressure. Im also on a low dose of test 250mgs/wk. Can I safely use clen or/and an eca stack while monitoring my blood pressure levels ?

Why don't you ask your doctor about e/c/a.. if you can use that then you could prolly get away with a low dose of clen.
Either one will definately increase your BP, and should not be used. Being on 2 antihypertensives, I'm assuming your BP was fairly high to begin with. Even if your BP is well controlled with the ACEI/thiazide, it would not be a good idea to use clen or ECA.
Not sure if you want to use the Clen during the cycle. You certainly do not want increased BP during your cycle. I think that StoneColdNTO mentioned something about increased risk of an larged heart (not good) if using gear with an increased BP.

Do you do cardio? If not, then it sounds like it would be a very good thing to do...both to get the bf% _and_ the bp down.