High cholesterol...impending doom?


New member
Little stats 1st...34yrs / 5'10 / 170 / 14%bf...2 previous cycles- T only and T + deca.
I've had annual labs since I was 25. My LDL stayed around 110-120 until the last 3 years. It has risen every year and is now at 167. I have been lifting (including cardio/HIIT) 5 days a week for 4 years now. The last 2 of which I have maintained a good diet. Despite that my #'s continue to increase. Statins are questionable themselves, but I know running more cycles can't be safe either. Any thoughts?
whats your diet look like exactly? any history of heart disease in the family? what about your blood pressure?
Sorry, maybe I should have been more specific. Are statins my only real option. Or are the risks greater than the reward. How dangerous is the possible genetic disposition I may have and running testosterone?
Zero bp issues. Heart problems with n my mothers side, none on my fathers. Rarely ever eat pork, 85% of all red meat is either 90/10 beef or venison, nothing deep fried, chicken and fish 3:1 to red meat.
Water 95% of liquid intake. 1 cup coffee black daily. No sugar drinks of any kind. No cakes, pies or desserts ever. (Just don't like them) Alcohol is on rare occasions, maybe 1-2 drinks a month. Sleep isn't consistent because my job requires me to rotate all 3 shifts, but 5-6 hours is normal. 2 cheat meals a week is normal. Average 5 meals a day. I don't count macros daily but I have and do weigh and track macros on periodically to see about what I'm eating on average.
What I ate yesterday: 2 whole wheat waffles with pb/3 egg wht/1cup v-8...1-1/2 cup plain oats/1 apple/2scoop protein...6oz chicken/sweet potatoes/brusel sprouts...2 cans albacore tuna/spinach and broccoli salad...2 scoops protein/pb on whole wheat...fish oil/daily vit.
I guess I'm really wondering how much emphasis I should put on this #?...these are my exact #'s from last week: LDL-167, HDL-53, VLDL-11, ratio 3.2, triglycerides-53
I guess I'm really wondering how much emphasis I should put on this #?...these are my exact #'s from last week: LDL-167, HDL-53, VLDL-11, ratio 3.2, triglycerides-53

You need to get that HDL up ~ anything below 60 is a Concern, and puts you at risk.
Triglycerides are Good.

Fiber can help to Lower your LDL, so Rolled Oats and Psyllium Husks.
Eliminate the Processed Carbs and Sugar/Limit Alcohol.

To Raise your HDL, you need more Olive Oil/Coconut Oil/Fish Oil/Fatty Fresh Fish....................... JP