High Cholesterol


New member
Total: 224
LDL: 158
HDL: 41
Tri: 126

NMR LipoProfile:
LDL Partical Number: 1663 High, Optimal <1000
Small LDL-P: 962 High, Low <600 Moderate 600-849

My docter perscribed me Crestor 10mg ed, I know that Crestor has effects on the Kidney and Liver. My Bilirubin total came back at 1.8 High ( ideal is 0.1-1.2)
And GFR is 52.4 Low (ideal is 60.0-137) so I really don't want to take anything right now that might mess around with these levels.

I'm only taking 250mg's Cyp awk and just started taking HGH. December I stopped my Sus, TrenE and EQ cycle and just continued on low dose of test to help maintain, also did 4wks of IGF while on that cycle.

I want to try and lower my cholesterol without the Crestor so I started doing cardio today which I never do and started taking Nolva which I didnt take at all during my 8month cycle run of changing up the gear.

What do you guys think about this, I got this from another board that someone posted and said it really worked great in lowering Cholesterol

Niacin: 1500mg's 2x ed
Chromium (Curcumin): 900mg's 1x ed
Pantethine (Vit-B5): 300mg's 3x ed
Policosanol: 10mg 2x ed

I've read that novla is good for cholesterol and also is HGH so hopefully with a cleaner diet, cardio, OTC Drugs, Nolva and HGH I should get this down without taking the Crestor.

Any Suggestions I would appreciate it

Micro said:
Total: 224
LDL: 158
HDL: 41
Tri: 126

NMR LipoProfile:
LDL Partical Number: 1663 High, Optimal <1000
Small LDL-P: 962 High, Low <600 Moderate 600-849

My docter perscribed me Crestor 10mg ed, I know that Crestor has effects on the Kidney and Liver. My Bilirubin total came back at 1.8 High ( ideal is 0.1-1.2)
And GFR is 52.4 Low (ideal is 60.0-137) so I really don't want to take anything right now that might mess around with these levels.

I'm only taking 250mg's Cyp awk and just started taking HGH. December I stopped my Sus, TrenE and EQ cycle and just continued on low dose of test to help maintain, also did 4wks of IGF while on that cycle.

I want to try and lower my cholesterol without the Crestor so I started doing cardio today which I never do and started taking Nolva which I didnt take at all during my 8month cycle run of changing up the gear.

What do you guys think about this, I got this from another board that someone posted and said it really worked great in lowering Cholesterol

Niacin: 1500mg's 2x ed
Chromium (Curcumin): 900mg's 1x ed
Pantethine (Vit-B5): 300mg's 3x ed
Policosanol: 10mg 2x ed

I've read that novla is good for cholesterol and also is HGH so hopefully with a cleaner diet, cardio, OTC Drugs, Nolva and HGH I should get this down without taking the Crestor.

Any Suggestions I would appreciate it


Diet, cardio, HGH and a break from Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) will do wonders for your cholesterol. I heard nasty stories about things like Crestor, id definitely stay away from it, especially looking at your bilirubin levels.
vados said:
Diet, cardio, HGH and a break from Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) will do wonders for your cholesterol. I heard nasty stories about things like Crestor, id definitely stay away from it, especially looking at your bilirubin levels.[/QUOT

Yeah I read a few negative stories about Crestor and I really don't want to put any more strain on my liver or kidneys with this stuff.

I'll do it on my own for 3months and get some blood work again and take it from there.

What's the bad thing you've heard about crestor ? 10mg is a very low dosage to give you any toxic effects.
In studies ,that's the dosages they give to transplant patients that have to take a boatload of very heavy drugs each day and the crestor doesn't cause any problems.
Crestor is the strongest statin and the only one that has been confirmed to reduce cholesterol deposits in the blood vessels.
Seems like a pretty good trade-off.
One thing that works great on lowering LDL is "policosanol". I was taking 30mg three times per day. In a few months I got it down to 60, and my HDL was 30. Not too bad.
This is what I started taking this wk and around 3-4 months will get it checked again.

Niacin/no-flush - 1,200mgs ed
Policosanol - 20mgs ed
Curcumin - 500mg ed
Pantethine - 600mg ed
Udo's choice - 3,000 mg ed

I'm not taking the full dosages of what I've read, wanted to start out slow.

Liver - LivCare and Milk thistle
Kidneys - UriCare

My liver and Kidney test didnt come back in the normal range

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Only thing you can take without side effects is policosanol but take it at a higher dose, like 20mg with every meal. I got my LDL down to 60 just using that from 150+ in a few months.
I've talk to acouple of guys at work and they have been taking this product call Res-Q and it has pretty much the same things that I'm taking in separate pills and one guy got his Total Cholesterol down from 243 to 150's. The other guy had LDL 146 and got it down to 80 and HDL was round 50's and got it up to 100. He cut out just one dosage of the Res-Q he was taking and his LDL went back up to 140's.

Try to lower your LDL and you should be in good shape. I dont know about that Res-Q stuff especially if by missing ones does there was such a dramatic increase. I would try something else
Gtrack said:
What's the bad thing you've heard about crestor ? 10mg is a very low dosage to give you any toxic effects.
In studies ,that's the dosages they give to transplant patients that have to take a boatload of very heavy drugs each day and the crestor doesn't cause any problems.
Crestor is the strongest statin and the only one that has been confirmed to reduce cholesterol deposits in the blood vessels.
Seems like a pretty good trade-off.
Don't worry, no one here will start whipping your ass like they did over on Chemical Anarchy ;)
fatrock said:
Try to lower your LDL and you should be in good shape. I dont know about that Res-Q stuff especially if by missing ones does there was such a dramatic increase. I would try something else

He didn't miss a dosage, he just took it 1x ed instead of 2x.

DocJ said:
Don't worry, no one here will start whipping your ass like they did over on Chemical Anarchy ;)

I've been taking UDO's oil Blend also, but only 3,000mg's ed.

in all actuality your lipid profile isn't that bad, especially given the fact that you HDL is not in the tank and you don't have any risk factors such as underlying coronary artery disease, diabetes, tobacco abuse, hypertension and/or a strong family history of premature CAD. if you make testosterone (or use it) chances are that the HDL lipoprotein levels are going to be in the tank, this is why women typically have better values than men do. i probably would not have started you on a statin (crestor) straight out of the shoot, but that's my opion. lifestyle modifications are still the intial way of managing lipids (3-6 months then repeat the levels, hey it took you a long time to get here, this is only a drop in the bucket, right?) your panel looks more like a hereditary pattern by the lipid spectroscopy and as you get older you may have an increased risk for CVS disease (remember the vytorin commerical and uncle sal?) anyways, your numbers should improve with cessation of aas, especially the highly androgenic ones.

now, statins are not bad drugs. Crestor in itself has has bad press because of several cases of rhabdomyolysis (muscle breakdown and protein deposition in the kidneys which can cause acute renal failure-this is made more likely if given with other lipid lowering agents called fibrates as well as several other drugs (this occurs rarely). some people do expierence myositis (pain in the large proximal muscles or the truncal musclulature with use of any statins, but pravachol and mevacor usually don't cause this as badly due to their liver metabolism) all statins may also raise the transaminases (ast/alt) with the alt being more liver specific, but we routinely give these to people with chronic liver disease as long as the above don't exceed 3X the normal values, as their benefits outway their risks.

niacin is an old faithful for increasing the HDL and lowering the LDL somewhat, but it is used as an adjunct after statins or if the patient can't tolerate statin therapy for above reasons. this drug, although regarded as just B-vitamin by most can be dangerous. liver functions should be monitired when on niacin as it may cause fulminant hepatic failure in large doses (>1500mg/d) and also flushing may occur (prevented by taking an aspirin at dinner or 1 hour before bedtime with niacin at bedtime)

hope this gives you some insight and answers some questions, but don't use this as a guide to your therapy. sometimes i come across posts and want to answer medical questions that are sometimes made more difficult than what they really are
this may defy what others may think, but i'd stay off niacin or other drugs while your on. the dose of niacin you'd have to use coupled with the oral Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) would drive your transaminases up. your hdl should normalize when you come off. one safer option would be zetia (ezetimibe) which doesn't affect the liver as much, but increases the hdl through absorptive properties. hope this helps.
still, i'd just stay off till i came off, and if it didn't return to normal, then i'd consider therapy.
doctor-d said:
this may defy what others may think, but i'd stay off niacin or other drugs while your on. the dose of niacin you'd have to use coupled with the oral Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) would drive your transaminases up. your hdl should normalize when you come off. one safer option would be zetia (ezetimibe) which doesn't affect the liver as much, but increases the hdl through absorptive properties. hope this helps.
still, i'd just stay off till i came off, and if it didn't return to normal, then i'd consider therapy.

But wouldn't people want to take something to help keep there cholesterol on the normal side while on cycle? I'm only taking 500mg niacin ed with other things also. I know your suppose to take more but I'm just starting out slow and see how that works.

Micro said:
But wouldn't people want to take something to help keep there cholesterol on the normal side while on cycle? I'm only taking 500mg niacin ed with other things also. I know your suppose to take more but I'm just starting out slow and see how that works.

I think there was already a pro BB that tried that and it didnt work so well. Can we say Tripple Bipass?