high tren low test dosages


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hey guys, been a while

considering a cycle next year running a high tren dose and a low test dose (2-300mg)

just wondering how much tren I should run and does it matter if its ace or enth? I have done several cycles with both so I have experience with tren

also could I add masteron as well, if so what would the suggested dose be and would my test dose change? thanks guys
It doesn't really matter which ester of tren you go with as you have experience with the compound. I personally prefer enanthate as it's cheaper by volume (200mg/ml vs 100mg/ml) at most UGL's. The dosing however is completely different from person to person. I don't get bad sides until I hit the 800mg/wk mark, so I know that I personally try to keep it around 600-750mg/wk. On the other hand, you could always go with acetate and slowly increase it until you find your "sweet spot", as it acts much faster - it should be pretty easy to find out what you can tolerate, and back down if needed.

My .02c :)
When I ran enanthate it was at 800mg/week with test at 1.5g/week. Ace was at 700mg/week with test prop at 700mg and mast prop at 1400mg
When I ran enanthate it was at 800mg/week with test at 1.5g/week. Ace was at 700mg/week with test prop at 700mg and mast prop at 1400mg

You could easily start there then and see how it goes. I personally do enjoy higher test with my tren (I've run very similar cycles to what you have above), but the lower test does make it easier to manage the sides like elevated bp. I'd just keep an eye on blood pressure and liver function half-way through, better safe than sorry imo. ;)
thanks halfwit, I usually like test higher as well but ive been waiting to give high tren a shot, anything worth adding in?
thanks halfwit, I usually like test higher as well but ive been waiting to give high tren a shot, anything worth adding in?
Depends on what you're looking to get out of this cycle and which ester of tren you go with to be honest. There's absolutely nothing wrong with just test/tren though.
Last cycle I ran was 250mg test e and 500mg of tren e. I liked it. and Minimal sides besides crazy night sweats and insomnia
the plan will be to hold as much size as possible while I shed the last bit of weight I need to before my precontest cycle, some were suggesting npp at the same dose as test, some other say mast. Im not sure about 2 19-nors, however I blast and cruise so im not concerned about being shutdown and have yet to have any major sides
the plan will be to hold as much size as possible while I shed the last bit of weight I need to before my precontest cycle, some were suggesting npp at the same dose as test, some other say mast. Im not sure about 2 19-nors, however I blast and cruise so im not concerned about being shutdown and have yet to have any major sides

Masteron is always a good fit for what you're looking at doing. I've done both deca and tren at the same time and had zero issue as I kept my E2 very tightly controlled. In fact, I'll probably be doing that again come next year as I enjoyed the joint ease of deca with the intensity of tren. You could alternatively throw anavar in there, but it gets spendy at effective doses.
how would you add deca? I think id opt for npp because this is only going to be a 12 week cycle, I like deca at 18, and how would you adjust the doses? I assume 800mg tren and 2-300mg deca would need more of a base then 2-300 test
Its hard to give advice on dosages and compounds because this shit really does effect people differently. Plus, theres sooo many ways to set it up, that most of them are neither right or wrong. Its just a matter of preference. Basically everyone can just give you their opinions for what works for them and go from there.

I blast and cruise as well. Right now im running 400 a week of test e and 700 a week of tren ace. Just finished 5 weeks of dbol as well. To be quite honest for me it just comes down to money. If i really had the cash id probably try taking the tren to around a gram just to see if i can tolerate it. Which i have no doubts i can. Id also like to add mast p at some point.

Iv never used tren e so i cant really comment on if its better or worse. The best thing to do would probably be to stock up on the compounds you want to run. Just start low to moderate dosages and then just slowly bring them up over the course depending on sides, gains, how you feel etc. When you blast and cruise it definitely does make it much easier to experiment with.

As you know, theres a huge debate on high tren low test, vice versa. Youll never know what works best for you until you try it both ways. I do know a lot of people in contest prep keep a relatively high dose of test regardless. And just manipulate the other compounds as they see fit and depending on how far out they are.
Doses depend and varry alot person to person. I dont care much for tren e asbI find ace to be much more affective for my body. Ive experimented with high test low tren and vise versa. With low test I found myself feeling weaker and unmotivated. And that I was wasting the tren. It was E that time. (750mg test, 800mg tren E). At 190lbs I like 1000mg/wk test (e or c) 500mg/wk tren a, and 400-500mg/wk mast a. One of my favorite recipes!
how would you add deca? I think id opt for npp because this is only going to be a 12 week cycle, I like deca at 18, and how would you adjust the doses? I assume 800mg tren and 2-300mg deca would need more of a base then 2-300 test

Yeah, I usually run it out to 18 weeks or more too. NPP is a better choice given the length. I've done it both with a higher NPP/Deca (750mg+) and lower, therapeutic doses (250-400mg). As you're running tren for the "heavy lifting", you could easily get away with a lower NPP dose. In fact, I enjoy deca on my TRT regimen, so I can tell you that 200mg/wk DOES give the benefits with increased fluid viscosity in the joints.
I know doses are different for each person and different people react different to certain compounds and combinations. ive ran almost every combination I can think of and ester at various doses, I know what I like and don't like and understand that everyone has what they like, I to would love to try tren up to 1g but I usually opt for an additional compound opposed to the extra tren

halfwit do you think 300 test 300 npp and 800 tren would cause any erectile issues? this is my only concern with adding in the npp. and yes ill be leaning on the tren for most of my results but the smooth joints from npp would be ideal, especially seeing later that year ill be running winny before I get on stage and my joints don't appreciate winny lol
For me...

High tren/TRT test, the sides are almost non existent. Only draw back is i'm not as thick and swol. Depends on what my goal are and what time of the year i run this type of cycle.
I know doses are different for each person and different people react different to certain compounds and combinations. ive ran almost every combination I can think of and ester at various doses, I know what I like and don't like and understand that everyone has what they like, I to would love to try tren up to 1g but I usually opt for an additional compound opposed to the extra tren

halfwit do you think 300 test 300 npp and 800 tren would cause any erectile issues? this is my only concern with adding in the npp. and yes ill be leaning on the tren for most of my results but the smooth joints from npp would be ideal, especially seeing later that year ill be running winny before I get on stage and my joints don't appreciate winny lol
I ran 650 deca, 650 test and 750 tren E and had zero issues with my johnson. I kept my E2 around 30pg/mL (non-sensitive panel), which greatly helped. If you do start to have issues, prami will nip that in the bud rather quickly. Last time I got "deca dick", I think it took me a week to drop my prolactin down enough to get back to normal.
High tren and low test is a great combo...

Just like Halfwit - my sides aren't bad until my tren hits 800mg.

My last tren cycle was med test, tren and mast - which was one of my favorite cycles.

I want to say the doses were (around) test-e 400 tren-e 500 and mast 500 with dbol at 30mg.

The only concern was there was some shedding - I didn't notice it or the lack of it on my head, but
I did see more in the sink and shower.
thanks halfwit, I normally run prami alongside 19 nors regardless of sides, better safe then sorry 200mcg if low dose 400 if high does the trick, cant wait to get everything ready for this cycle