Higher Power M1T or Regular M1T, which one?


New member
I am wanting to cycle M1T for 2 weeks on 2 weeks off then 2 weeks on then 2 weeks off. Would it be better to use Higher Power M1T or just a regular M1T, such as one from Legal Gear. Also if it is better to use regular M1T should I use milk thistle during the cycle, and also i saw a post with the Nolvadex from custom nutrition warehouse, how do you go about taking this, do you have to use a needle or can you put it in a glass or orange juice or something?

Does this look like a good cycle

Week 1: M1T 10 mg/ED
Week 2: M1T 10-15 mg/ED
Week 1: Milk Thistle 1000mg/ED or is that too much
Week 2: Milk Thistle 1000mg/ED
Week 1: B6 Vitamin 200-300 mg/ED
Week 2: B6 Vitamin 200-300 mg/ED

Week 3: 6oxo (recommended dosage)
Week 4: 6oxo (recommended dosage)
Week 3: Milk Thistle 1000mg/ED
Week 4: Milk Thistle 1000mg/ED

Also would a stack of M5AA and M4OHN or MOHN be good for bulking?

And for post cycle therapy (pct) would it be better to use the nolvadex from custom nutrition warehouse, I've been reading a lot about M1T, but have been getting mixed feelings on what to use.
Any help or comments is appreciated.