Hints on my 2nd cycle!!


New member
Well i just ran a straight Winstrol (winny) cycle for 6 weeks..this was my first and i must say i learned a lot and i got pretty damn cut up...also put on 12 pounds..which is a plus since i wasnt expecting to gain that much...but anyways...i play minor league baseball and im not lookin to get HUGE...since im a pitcher..just want some big ass legs..haha..stats before i started Winstrol (winny) cycle...5'9 183 lbs...10% bf...as of now after cycle...195lbs..not sure of bf..but im guessin it cut me down to around 6%....so now im lookin forward to my 2nd cycle...I'm thinking of running a Test only cycle for 8 weeks....any ideas on if yall think this would be a good idea....or should i try a winny/test cycle...let me know on the mg i should be shooting with test...appreciate it guys!!
test only is fine bro, if i was going to choose one Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) to run it would be test.
if you arent looking for a lot of size, then keep the doses moderate, and add the Winstrol (winny) to solidify things towards the end.

test enan 1-10 400-500mg/week
winny 8-12 50mg ed

dont forget your clomid and an anti-e..........

peace I4L
I got a couple of pics...the one on the right is my before pic...the left is after...on the right 183lbs 10% bf.....left 195...6% bf...its a good start...got a long ways to go...dont FLAME me too bad fellas..:D
Test/winny is nice and so is test/fina :) Both are great for lean bulking.

Like it has been said get your post cycle in order too, and have nolva on hand during just incase you are sensitive to test side effects.