i hit a vein twice, calves are a painful mutherf-Gmill13 said:wow. When i hit a vien I just run it deeper then I asperate. Ive gone through many viens, especially in my quads. I always hit veins there for some reason. Start hitting your calves up i have yet to hit a vein there.
excuse me, i never hit a vein. just pass, (i always mix those up). i dont know about you but i use my hand when beating off, so my calves don't hurt during that. i did my glutes a couple times a long time ago, only problem is (for me) seeing where my pin is going and checking out what your pulling in when aspiratingGmill13 said:Yeah calves can suck later in the day or when your beating off. Damn you hit a vein twice huh ? I probably never hit them because I usually go the whole inch and a half deep. For some reason when i run them deep I never hit veins. I personally feel my pain when I hit my delt. I guess everyone different. I have yet to stick a pin in my ass and I am currently into my second "real" cycle.
DJ_rockett said:it takes two seconds to aspirate, did either of you do this?
jb160 said:II didn't inject in a vein.I always aspirate that is how I knew when I pulled out the needle to reshoot blood flew out!