Hit a wall cutting, any suggestions? Clen for over 40?


New member
Hello I've been hitting the gym hard the past year and a half made great gains in size and strength but time to cut the extra fat. Im 43 yr male 6 foot and at 215lbs. Fit but I want to loose 15 lbs. I think 200 would be a good weight for me and would show good definition, I've noticed the past couple of years that I just cant seem to loose much fat once I get to this point, got up to 230 while training 15 pounds dropped off pretty easy but then it stopped no matter what I do it seems. I've started jogging for about an hour a day(so far one week so will see), high protein low carbs. I just cant seem to loose that last 15. Started ECA last month didn't seem to do much made me a little jittery but I was conservative with it didn't like how I felt with higher doses gave me head aches. Would Clen be better then ECA? Im not fat but man im envious of the guys with low body fat I got the size just to smooth all over. Any suggestions from guys that have had the same issue, prefer input from 40 and over, you young bucks just have it so much easer it seems. Thanks guys
If ECA was rough, clen will likely be a bad experience for you. I'd reevaluate your diet; KNOW exactly what you're eating calorie/macro-wise. A lot of folks discover that they're either eating too much, or too little (starvation mode sucks) - and once corrected, puts them back on track.

If you find that you're at a good deficit, going full ketogenic will pull pounds off pretty easily, but it does require some serious discipline. If you only have 15lbs to lose, you should be able to meet the mark as long as you remain consistent.

Another consideration to take into account (due to your age) is to get your hormones checked out. I know from experience that having issues with natural testosterone production can make shedding ANY fat neigh-impossible.

My .02c :)
If ECA was rough, clen will likely be a bad experience for you. I'd reevaluate your diet; KNOW exactly what you're eating calorie/macro-wise. A lot of folks discover that they're either eating too much, or too little (starvation mode sucks) - and once corrected, puts them back on track.

If you find that you're at a good deficit, going full ketogenic will pull pounds off pretty easily, but it does require some serious discipline. If you only have 15lbs to lose, you should be able to meet the mark as long as you remain consistent.
Another consideration to take into account (due to your age) is to get your hormones checked out. I know from experience that having issues with natural testosterone production can make shedding ANY fat neigh-impossible.

My .02c :)

^^^ this

I'm 45 and was in the same boat my man. I know for a fact that being low t contributed to my issue so worked on that and now am on TRT with a dialed in protocol with the help of the members on this forum. But low t was only a part of the puzzle I needed to learn how to diet properly

After working with 3j with various dieting plans I made great progress. When we switched to a keto version I dropped just about another 15.

When we started introducing carbs back in (I won't go into particulars) I didn't blow up and put a bunch of weight back on. Learning how to diet and train correctly has been an invaluable asset I acquired since joining this forum.

I used to think I knew how to do it LOL wrong.

Good luck

OP it takes time to learn your body and how it reacts to certain foods. Remember you didn't get where you are over night and it won't come off without some serious dedication.
Thanks guys just the help I wanted, I haven't been counting my calorie intake I've been on the road for work the this past few weeks so haven't been able to really fix meals for my self. Switched to low calorie healthier meals at the restaurants, fish, chicken etc. with vegetables cut out the higher calorie stuff but kept the protein up as well as a shake after workouts. Did notice last week even after a large meal I felt really hungry just 30 to an hour later. Read it could be because I cut out pretty much all fats but it went away didn't last. Although I do sneak a cookie in at lunch, free at work! Anyways I don't have a scale here and the temporary gym im going to I haven't spotted a scale but I can tell this past week I have lost a couple pounds. Pants are a little loser, so my change in diet as well as changing to more cardio is working.
Guys I also change the way I was working out, let me know if this is a good or bad way to keep the muscle. Since im focusing on weight loss at the moment instead of my usual 4 day a week spit I have been working out twice a week, one day I do full upper body. Chest, upper and lower back, tri, bicep, shoulders and core. Then I rest a day and do lower, squats, calves, leg extensions, leg curls. This frees up 4 days for the cardio which before I was only doing one day a week cardio. (My idea of cardio is jogging and sprinting intervals)

So now 4 days a week I jog for a wile, then sprint to get my heart rate up then come down and jog for a while repeating for an hour, I've been doing this for the past couple of weeks now almost every day except work out days. I give myself one day off in between my two workout days. Is this an effective way to cut and still keep muscle? It seems to be working I've notice a change in pant looseness, at least im loosing fat hope im not also loosing muscle.
Yes I need to go get my levels checked, I do my yearly physicals but I haven't had any type of blood work or tests actually performed in years. Just the usual turn and cough, bend over stuff
Yes I need to go get my levels checked, I do my yearly physicals but I haven't had any type of blood work or tests actually performed in years. Just the usual turn and cough, bend over stuff

Wow, a hernia check AND digital rectal exam? I think your doctor really likes you - just make sure you don't feel hands on your hips when he's behind you. ;)

I've tried it many different ways with resistance training during a cut, and found that keeping my normal routine with lowered poundages worked best. It keeps everything nice and stimulated, but obviously the weight has to come down some as the calories just aren't there to really push it.
Ok thanks, never having blood work before I read the 'Ology FAQ's' ill get the blood work done unfortunately ill be on the road for a while. Will post back when I get it done. In the mean time ill start posting in other forum sections that are more appropriate for my varied questions. Thanks again.
Hello I've been hitting the gym hard the past year and a half made great gains in size and strength but time to cut the extra fat. Im 43 yr male 6 foot and at 215lbs. Fit but I want to loose 15 lbs. I think 200 would be a good weight for me and would show good definition, I've noticed the past couple of years that I just cant seem to loose much fat once I get to this point, got up to 230 while training 15 pounds dropped off pretty easy but then it stopped no matter what I do it seems. I've started jogging for about an hour a day(so far one week so will see), high protein low carbs. I just cant seem to loose that last 15. Started ECA last month didn't seem to do much made me a little jittery but I was conservative with it didn't like how I felt with higher doses gave me head aches. Would Clen be better then ECA? Im not fat but man im envious of the guys with low body fat I got the size just to smooth all over. Any suggestions from guys that have had the same issue, prefer input from 40 and over, you young bucks just have it so much easer it seems. Thanks guys

research "carb cycling for fatloss" I like this way
Thanks Juced porkchop, Ill do that. I've got to get my diet rite, as its been said a thousand times over diet is 80% I have the knowledge(Mostly) but not the practical aspect as I've never actually practiced a good overall diet. Actually doing it is a different matter than knowing what I should be doing!!
Thanks Juced porkchop, Ill do that. I've got to get my diet rite, as its been said a thousand times over diet is 80% I have the knowledge(Mostly) but not the practical aspect as I've never actually practiced a good overall diet. Actually doing it is a different matter than knowing what I should be doing!!

Download MyFitnessPal and get a food scale that measures grams and ounces. Write down everything you eat.