holy shit Halfwit check this out!


I am ******!
2 weeks aggressively treating my high estro 857 this is my results :)
I'm sure your sexy 1/5 squats have helped rectify the problem. lol

On a serious note that's crazy you dropped it that much man. How you feeling with it at that level now??
I'm sure your sexy 1/5 squats have helped rectify the problem. lol

On a serious note that's crazy you dropped it that much man. How you feeling with it at that level now??

honestly I can't tell the difference I still feel really strong
Your estrogen was 857?

Details on protocol cycle etc

I was on test 50mg eod tren 150mg eod for 8 weeks. 1bweek prior to my lab work I bumped to 100mg prop eod so I can see my test levels. I had no idea my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) was no good. Heres my protocol I used to lower by 800 points
3 days 2mg adex ed
4 days 1mg adex ed
1week aromasin 25mg ed up until my lab work
Great job big man! How did the tren treat ya?

Tren gets me fucken strong but after this run im not sure its for me I have a short fuse naturally and this hot summer weather work makes me a moody mother fucker! Im cruising on test and Anavar (var) im vonna finish off a blast of npp.i am feeling alot leaner still strong as fuck im pretty pleasex with the progress on my traps and back are starting to show.
So do you normally get bloods or did something trigger you to go?
Bloating, crying, emo, etc?

Great job tho. Fake shit sucks.
Actually im curious as to why bother with the aromasin seems like you would have learned more by dosing just adex. Either tho way I'm sure your happy you killed it.
So do you normally get bloods or did something trigger you to go?
Bloating, crying, emo, etc?

Great job tho. Fake shit sucks.

Actually im curious as to why bother with the aromasin seems like you would have learned more by dosing just adex. Either tho way I'm sure your happy you killed it.

I only had a little mp adex left. No I normally get bloods done before and after I felt bloated but nothing major. A friend encourage me to get lab work to see how my body reacts to tren more of a learning tool. But from now on mandatory testing during cycle.
I only had a little mp adex left. No I normally get bloods done before and after I felt bloated but nothing major. A friend encourage me to get lab work to see how my body reacts to tren more of a learning tool. But from now on mandatory testing during cycle.

Tren gets me fucken strong but after this run im not sure its for me I have a short fuse naturally and this hot summer weather work makes me a moody mother fucker! Im cruising on test and Anavar (var) im vonna finish off a blast of npp.i am feeling alot leaner still strong as fuck im pretty pleasex with the progress on my traps and back are starting to show.

Good job man. How much are you weighing now? After my few short weeks so far, I can tell tren is my go to forever :D
NICE! :D I figured you dropped it by a ton given your water weight loss, but that's FANTASTIC! Looking good brother. :cool: