home brew


New member
I brewed up my first set of gear tren and prop. Dam I'm so happy I can't believe I waited so long to do this. The stuff is great and cost next to nothing. I just wanted to post my joy can you feel it lol
It's astounding the savings.

I figure if you get 50 grams of eq with all the 'fixins', and compare the price to name brand sources you will get an instant erection. :)
Damn right...the only thing that sucks for me about homebrew is that it takes my powder supplier FOREVER to get me my stuff....
I agree, it is a lot of fun. But it kills me looking at 100's of cc's of gear in front of me. I want to fill up a 100 cc syringe and jab it into my neck. Haha, JK.

NYCEE said:
I agree, it is a lot of fun. But it kills me looking at 100's of cc's of gear in front of me. I want to fill up a 100 cc syringe and jab it into my neck. Haha, JK.

I think you have a problem bro :confused: