Home scale that measures body fat. How acurate?


New member
Hi guys. I was at the thrift shop the other day and found a scale that measures body fat, water weight, and muscle. The brand is by Produex and I got it for $6 used! It had no batteries so I took a shot at it and it works. I downloaded the manual online for it and its working great for the price. Anyway my main question/concern is how accurate this thing is. Here is my results....

Body fat: 33%
Water: 38%
Muscle: 36%

I guess I am fatter than I thought I was and maybe I just don't show fat as much as some. lol
I'm 32 years old and 6'1.
I don't really look fat but I don't have a 6 pack either.

So have any of you guys use any of these scales or something similar?
Is this an accurate way to measure body fat, water, or muscle?

What do you guys think?

Thanks in advance guys......
I would say not at all accurate. Even as a relative measure, of very limited use because it is so sensitive to hydration and skin moisture.
Mine (Tanita) gives me readings somewhere between 6% and 16% - not very useful. I'm not familiar with Produex, but I'm assuming it works by same principle of impedance.
I would say not at all accurate. Even as a relative measure, of very limited use because it is so sensitive to hydration and skin moisture.
Mine (Tanita) gives me readings somewhere between 6% and 16% - not very useful. I'm not familiar with Produex, but I'm assuming it works by same principle of impedance.

Thanks mprtz. You are right about the moister thing cause it states that in the manual. It works with impedance by sitting your feet on the metal plates. I do not believe im 33% body fat as well. All in all it still makes a good regular scale so no money was lost.
Thanks mprtz. You are right about the moister thing cause it states that in the manual. It works with impedance by sitting your feet on the metal plates. I do not believe im 33% body fat as well. All in all it still makes a good regular scale so no money was lost.

Exactly as Mprtz pointed out, electrical impedance devices are notoriously unreliable for measuring body composition. If you're truly interested in get the numbers, accurate ones at that, google search your city + 'BodPod' or 'DEXA Scan'.
there are two forms of bodyfat testing that have proven themselves..

first is hydrostatic testing..

the second, and my favorite, is bodpod
Thanks for the extra advise guys. I have never had my BF measured before. I guess now would be a good time. Since you both mentioned Bodpod I googled it. I found a local place here that charges $40 for the first time for Bodpod. I may just go get it done to see where I really stand.
The one I bought for around $100 was absolutely terrible! It said I was 16% bf and I was super ripped! Went to use a "Bod Pod" at the university and came out at 7.1%.

I think you should forget calipers (people store fat differently- some have huge guts and no fat anywhere else)..forget scales...find some place that has the proper equipment and get it done right.