Homebrew a cyclodextrine/SARM?


Mrsupps.com Rep
I see lots of info on google on how to make a PH or steroid into a cyclo solution, but just for my own personal entertainment have been researching ways to turn a SARM like Ostarine into a cyclo solution.
Would this even be possible??
I'm not too sure if you can, but what would be the point? It would take daily injections for benefits so minimal making it a waste imo.
I'm not too sure if you can, but what would be the point? It would take daily injections for benefits so minimal making it a waste imo.

For entertainment. I am talking an oral form, hold under tongue, swish and swallow kinda thing.
Even if it were the exact same benefits I would get from its current form, just would be something to do for fun.
The tase though...I don't know about that.