Homebrew from brazil


New member
hi bros , I will cite a list of things I want to buy my homemade steroids:

150ml Nalgene MF75 Bottle Top Filter - 33mm neck (Qty. 12)
Standard 125ml Wheaton Glass Bottle Media (Qty. 4)
beakers of different sizes
glass rod
sterilized glass vials
electric stove
balance of 0.001 g
hand vacuum pump - what is the use? of the procedure to do without it?


I want to produce starting doses less than or equal to 50cc

I intended to produce acet tremb, Enan test, prop Drost

small amount of each using different doses of BA / / BB for seeing the issue of pain and viscosity of the product

tremb - 100mg/ml
Enan - 250 or 200mg/ml
Drost - 100mg/ml

can you tell me please if there is something missing in my equipment, and these steroids are recommended for beginners homebrew

i am from Brazil, please do not use slang, if possible in google translate to get easier

I await response, thank you

I realized that everybody uses filters Wattman more than Nalgene filters, the filter is to filter Wattman Direct the syringe?

which is safer, or Wattman Nalgene? I'm sorry if I spoke nonsense!
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Go to this site and read. It has tons of information. Also check the top of the chemical section, there is a thread with DTONE's recipes for different brews.

Whatman filters are syringe filters that fit directly on the syringe. These are fine but very slow and can hurt your fingers. If you decide to use whatman filters, then put the syringe with the filter attached in a caulk gun.

The nalgene bottle top is definitely better method and it is very easy. You simply screw the filter on the top of the glass media bottle tightly, then attach a hand pump to the fitting on the filter with a small rubber tube, pump up to @20psi. Easy!

Make sure your brew is cooled to below 145 F so that you don't melt the filter (whatman or nalgene).

Make sure you have a good source by checking melting points. Do a search in here for methods to check melting points. JSTARK's method is the easiest.

Hope this helps
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All bottle top filters like the nalgene require some vacuum to pull the brew through the filter. Since you will be using a glass media bottle then you can put more vacuum (20psi or more) and go faster. How you create the vacuum does not matter so it does not have to be a manual hand pump. You can use an electric pump but it is much more expensive. You simply screw on the glass media bottle tightly then attach the pump to the filter with a rubber hose and begin pumping.
just one more question, then with the hand pump I'll remove the air contained in Nalgene filter? or he takes the filtered liquid? I understand the filtered liquid bottle that I will attach below the filter Nalgene

thx brow!
can you tell me please if there is something missing in my equipment, and these steroids are recommended for beginners homebrew

Hi, I would recommend getting rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) and an empty spray bottle. It will be needed to disinfect equipment and also to disinfect your skin right before doing an injection.

Also, you should get coffee filters (made from paper) for fast filtering of particles that may be present in your homebrew. These filters are cheap and will prevent your expensive filters from getting clogged.

Hope that helps. If something I said is unclear, please let me know.

Cheers and happy brewing! :D
thx bro

I will buy this alcohol for cleaning equipment and skin

Now it all makes sense, I'm just hard to doubt about the vacuum pump, if it only draws air out or remove the liquid through a hose: S

next month I will buy everything, EO, GSO and all the rest

i thought of you!
Hi, I would recommend getting rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) and an empty spray bottle. It will be needed to disinfect equipment and also to disinfect your skin right before doing an injection.

Also, you should get coffee filters (made from paper) for fast filtering of particles that may be present in your homebrew. These filters are cheap and will prevent your expensive filters from getting clogged.

Hope that helps. If something I said is unclear, please let me know.

Cheers and happy brewing! :D

friend could not understand the part of the coffee filter, please can you try to explain the easiest way if possible translated into Portuguese in a translator, I thank the attention
I will detail better here my first attempt, as I intend to do, let it

Drostanolone propionate 100mg/ml - 50 ml

Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml - 40ml

Trenbolone acetate 100mg/ml - 50ml

These drugs recommended for the first contact? They have some quirk That I Should Be careful?

well, I'll do them in the following dosages:

Drost prop
5g powder
GSO 27.5 ml (rest)
EO 10ml (20%)
BA 1 ml (2%)
BB 7.5 ml (15%)

Enan test
10g powder
GSO 23.2 ml (rest)
8ml EO (20%)
BA 0.80 (2%)
without using BB

Acet Trenb
5g powder
GSO 27.5 ml
EO 10ml (20%)
BA 1 ml (2%)
BB 7.5 ml (15%)

Has risk failing with These values?

about the prosssedimento, I put the powder with BA and BB, 3 minutes, stir, stir 3 minutes GSO I, put EO, 3 minutes ... stir, heating the bath for about 20 minutes in the ebuli point temperature, then cool in the water or room temperature, filter and lastly, this right?

thanks bros!

NOTE: all my oils will be USP

and I would be grateful if those who already made some of the steroids mentioned the best way I speak or any tip that helps in the preparation, thanks for listening!

sorry for the concordance of words, I'm not fluent in English
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Oils do not have to be USP. Most of the USP oils that are sold, have been re-bottled and are no longer sterile. Your oil will only be sterile after it passes through your filter this is why it is not necessary to buy USP.

The hand pump simply pulls the air out creating a vacuum that sucks the oil through the filter.

EO makes the solution thinner but many people have reaction to EO (I do) so be careful.

I do not filter at room temperature ...I usually filter at around 110-120F

Recipe's all look good. I personally go with 2%BA and 20%BB on my gear. Good luck
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20% EO is sufficient to cause an unwanted reaction?

and formula preparation, okay?

high dose of BB does not cause pain?

could put some oil sales site cheaper, since it is not good business to buy USP grade, I would buy these two oils:



thx bross!!!
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friend could not understand the part of the coffee filter, please can you try to explain the easiest way if possible translated into Portuguese in a translator, I thank the attention

Sure, I'll try :).

About the coffee filters, they are inexpensive and useful for filtering large particles that might be in the hormone powder.
(Sobre os filtros de café, eles são baratos e úteis para a filtragem de partículas grandes que podem estar no pó de hormônio)

First, you can use coffee filters first to remove large contaminants in the steroid-oil mixture.
(Primeiro, você pode usar filtros de café para remover contaminantes grandes em mistura de esteróides-óleo.)

After that, you can use micrometer filter (Watman) to filter very small contaminants.
(Depois disso, você pode usar filtro micrômetro (Watman) para filtrar contaminantes muito pequenas.)

Here are some coffee filters:
(aqui estão alguns filtros de café)


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good friend, answer me one last question, why prop drostanolone is so expensive, at least here in Brazil, has a secret in its manufacture? or just the price of powder?
20% EO is sufficient to cause an unwanted reaction?

I have never used EO, so I do not know.
(Eu nunca usei EO, então eu não sei)

But I have read about EO, and the report is that EO can dissolve rubber.
(Mas eu tenho lido sobre EO, e do relatório é que OE pode dissolver borracha)

From this article (page 259, #12):
(A partir deste artigo (página 259, # 12))

(Ethyl Oleate for Handbook+of+Pharmaceutical+Excipients,+6th+Edition)

"Ethyl oleate dissolves certain types of rubber and causes others to swell"
("Ethyl oleate dissolve certos tipos de borracha e faz com que os outros para inchar)

This is what I read from some people in bodybuidling forums:
(Isto é o que eu li de algumas pessoas em fóruns bodybuidling):

(SuperiorMuscle.com - Bodybuilding Forums - View Single Post - ethyl oleate)

"Another problem with ethyl oleate: it will dissolve the stopper in the vial if contact is prolonged...so it's really important to store your vials upright unless you want to be injecting little 'floaties'. For the same reason, pre-loading pins days in advance is a no-no with ethyl oleate."

("Outro problema com ethyl oleate: ele vai dissolver a rolha no frasco se o contato é prolongado ... por isso é muito importante para armazenar seus frascos de pé a menos que queira ser injetando pequenas 'floaties ". Pela mesma razão, os dias de pré-carregamento de pinos de antecedência é um não-não com oleato de etilo.")