Homemade Weight Gainer.. Help PLease


New member
21, 5'10", 149lbs...tryin to gain as much weight as possible. i've been reading in threads and people are sayin homemade weight gainers are best, and taste good too. and i bet they save money. can anyone help me? any recipes for weight gainers that taste good and nutrition content in them?
try this:

2 scoops 100% Whey Protein (Optimum Nutrition or equivalent)
50g of MaltoDextrin
1 Banana
2 Tbsp. Peanut Butter
~18-20oz Milk

Never made my own before, just kinda sounded good in my head :)
lilthanh19 you have close to the same stats as i was 3 months ago
i have been eating like an animal and taking whey protein and a multivitiman i put on close to 20lbs my b/f has went from 14% to 19%ish

whey protein is awesome but i spend 50.00 a month for whey
if you want to put on weight Eat 6 times a day like an animal and take a good multi-vit
watch you fat intake
15-20oz whole milk
2 tablespoons natty peanut butter
1/3 cup oats
1 table spoon flax or fish oil
2 scoops whey protein powder
1/2 banana (if you wish)
I actually never saw these as whight gainers... great idea. :D I just saw them as normal shakes! LOL! Everyone can see I don't watch my carb intake! ;)
YellowJacket said:
15-20oz whole milk
2 tablespoons natty peanut butter
1/3 cup oats
1 table spoon flax or fish oil
2 scoops whey protein powder
1/2 banana (if you wish)

what are the benefits of flax oil?
20 oz milk ( i like whole for bulking )
4 scoops whey protein
1 banana
2 scoops peanut butter
1 carton plain yogurt
2 scoops low fat ice cream

around 130q protein and 1500 cals.. keep in the fridge and sip it thoughout the day.
here is one that i have tried in the past and it taste pretty dang good.

1 packet of instant breakfast(whichever flavor)
2 scoops whey protein
1 banana(add strawberries as well if you wish)
2 tablespoons of honey. (more or less depends on how sweet you want the shake to be)

i cant remember the total protein/carbs/calories this has in it.

Give it a try.
When I was on a student budget, this was my staple protein shake:

Skim Milk
Natty Peanut Butter