Like a dumbass I did 500 mg ProEq and 750 mg (3 shots of 250) of Tes Cyp and a few 10 mg d-bols all within 8 days. About 4-5 days later I had hot flashes like hell and felt like something was crawling on my skin. I also felt a little agitated. This lasted for 2 days.
OK, call me a stupid ass but was all this from the juice and if so is it normal? I haven't juiced anymore since (a little over a week) and now I feel fine. So I intend to tune it down to about 250 mg tes cyp on Mondays, 250 mg Eq on Thurdays and maybe 20-30 mg d-bol a day.
Does this seem reasonable or am I still being a dumbass? Or did I get a hold of some bad shit that I stuck in my ass?
I did a cycle a few months back with 250 mg Tes Eth and 400 mg Eq with 30 mg d-bol each week and didn't have anything like hot flashes or agitation, etc.
Any comments, suggestions, or help will be greatly appreciated!!!
OK, call me a stupid ass but was all this from the juice and if so is it normal? I haven't juiced anymore since (a little over a week) and now I feel fine. So I intend to tune it down to about 250 mg tes cyp on Mondays, 250 mg Eq on Thurdays and maybe 20-30 mg d-bol a day.
Does this seem reasonable or am I still being a dumbass? Or did I get a hold of some bad shit that I stuck in my ass?
I did a cycle a few months back with 250 mg Tes Eth and 400 mg Eq with 30 mg d-bol each week and didn't have anything like hot flashes or agitation, etc.
Any comments, suggestions, or help will be greatly appreciated!!!