How can i lose stomach fat?

Carter 15

New member
I do about a little over an hour of cardio, and i workout, then at night I run 2 miles. I drink about 2 gal of water a day and i eat basically eggs and beans with alot of spices (i heard somewhere it gets your metabolism going, but i use the bathroom like every 2 hours)
Im even startin to wear this one strap that I wrap around my stomach, it makes me sweat alot. Ive been doin this for about 3 weeks and I cant tell any difference in my stomach.
I feel good about my body, but im losing weight in all the wrong places.

Im 6'1 and i weigh 185 pounds.

Please, can anyone help?
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There is no such thing as spot reduction I'm afraid. Sounds like youre doing the right sort of things, 3 weeks is nothing give it more time.

Wouldnt bother with the sweat thing u wear though.

Keep it up. Dont focus on the results, focus on the effort and the results will come with time.

Diet is key.
so not working out your arms doesn't burn fat, not working out your chest burns fat, not working out legs burns fat. Ok that makes lots of sense. So it is impossible to loose fat then.

Guess your fucked then budy.
^ Did u read everything that i put? I said im losing weight in the wrong places. I workout most of the parts in my body and the more i do it, the more muscular i get *duh*, but i wanted to know if there somethin in particular that i could do, that i burn fat in my stomach ONLY. People say i have chicken legs, and my arms are thin and have a couple of cuts, but i have a little belly with love handles that wont go away. *sorry if that was so complicated for u (g0dsp33d) to understand*


Other then time and diet, does anyone have a solution?
Carter 15 said:
^ Did u read everything that i put? I said im losing weight in the wrong places. I workout most of the parts in my body and the more i do it, the more muscular i get *duh*, but i wanted to know if there somethin in particular that i could do, that i burn fat in my stomach ONLY. People say i have chicken legs, and my arms are thin and have a couple of cuts, but i have a little belly with love handles that wont go away. *sorry if that was so complicated for u (g0dsp33d) to understand*


Other then time and diet, does anyone have a solution?

Gain more muscle! That will help lean you out.
first off i was replying to the other dude.

and no what you said wasn't complicated.

He said doing ab workout will only build muscel.

Read the entire post.
1) HIIT cardio - High Intensity Interval Training

Basically you do 30 seconds really fast, 30 seconds moderate...its 90% max heart rate, then 60% heart rate, switch every 30 for a half an hour...all studies show that you will continue to burn fat all day by doing this

2) Keep your carb and calorie intake low
3) Work your abs like crazy
4) Take an Ephedrine/Caffeine stack

6 weeks till a 6-pack
g0dsp33d said:
so not working out your arms doesn't burn fat, not working out your chest burns fat, not working out legs burns fat. Ok that makes lots of sense. So it is impossible to loose fat then.

Guess your fucked then budy.

You're losing me there, bud. All I'm saying is that doing ab exercises doesn't cause spot reduction; I am not discouraging him from doing them, though.
work your whole body over the course of the week ie spit it up, eat just enough protein and carbs to sustain muscle and promote fat loss, add in some efa's ie olive oil, flax, udo's fish oils, cut your cardio back from what you are doing which is way too much.

dont add any ehedrine or other supps until you have your diet cardio and training in order
I do about a little over an hour of cardio, and i workout, then at night I run 2 miles. I drink about 2 gal of water a day and i eat basically eggs and beans with alot of spices (i heard somewhere it gets your metabolism going, but i use the bathroom like every 2 hours)
Im even startin to wear this one strap that I wrap around my stomach, it makes me sweat alot. Ive been doin this for about 3 weeks and I cant tell any difference in my stomach.
I feel good about my body, but im losing weight in all the wrong places.

Im 6'1 and i weigh 185 pounds.

Please, can anyone help?

Abs are made in the kitchen, 80 % diet, I remember when those sweat strap thing came out, lol