some cool background , always wonder why people pick or choose this or that to rep their identity or alter ego on the web
hahaha thats awesome! lol
yeah mine shrunk too.. but i dont really care anymore, though i guess i should run hcg atleast one run a year lol
I'm the same way, from fucking plums down to the size of grapes and don't even think abut it or care
hcg a couple years agao had them back to size, for whatever reason i started blowing ridiculous loads..
like peter north "wtf was that whoa shit hahaha!" loads that the ol lady complained about.
the novelty of that shit wore off real quick, dropped th hcg and went back to being human
anybody else have this happen ? i don't mean it was like being a teenager again - but totally new territory, spunking three and four ropers half way across the fucking room
i just don't see spending the money and running the pins to have aesthetically pleasing balls/ blowing horse snot around the room
rather spend that loot on halotestin
maybe if i was dating id give a damn, but 18 yrs with the same gal..
zero fucks given