how do i avoid loosing muscle on t3 and clen


New member
so i have taken clen befor and it worked great unfortunately i didnt have a great diet during or after but now i have a great one by 3j so its legit but i wont post it just to protect him anyways ive been reading all kinds of stuff about t3 turns you catabolic and you will loose tons of muscle so my question is how should i does this cycle.
165lbs 5'10'' 18 years old 18% bf
my clen is 40mcg pills and the t3 is greatwhitepeptides so we will see how it is
honestly i would not use t3 unless you were taking anabolic steroids......which you most certainly should not since your 18 years old!! So i would just leave the t3 be, unless you don't mind losing some muscle.

Also, i don't know your diet history and how long you've been working out, but at 18% bf, I think you could get alot lower without having to use t3 or clen. Give 3J's diet a chance, see how far you can get with just his diet and some cardio, you might be very suprised what you can do naturally.
honestly i would not use t3 unless you were taking anabolic steroids......which you most certainly should not since your 18 years old!! So i would just leave the t3 be, unless you don't mind losing some muscle.

Also, i don't know your diet history and how long you've been working out, but at 18% bf, I think you could get alot lower without having to use t3 or clen. Give 3J's diet a chance, see how far you can get with just his diet and some cardio, you might be very suprised what you can do naturally.

I'd agree with this. As far as preventing muscle loss... its gonna happen without other compounds and stacking at this age was already covered by slair :)