how do i make AS from the raw powders, mostly test and winny


feeding BH his daily cum
hey i got a great source where i can get the raw ingredients for any kind of test deca Winstrol (winny) and fina i know how to make the fina but how do i make the test or Winstrol (winny), plus would i be able to make a blend of diffrent products into one bottle ... like a test deca fina mix? or a finna Winstrol (winny) mix? any one with more experience please let me know.
There are instructions already posted on the board. Look around in the Chemical Forum and you should find all the info you need.
I made cyp with a fina kit and turned out great.Just dont use the coffee filter. Winstrol is cmplicated id rather use orally.
I made cyp with a fina kit and turned out great.Just dont use the coffee filter. Winstrol is cmplicated id rather use orally.

cyp is soluable in oil. dont need a solvent.
cyp is soluable in oil. as is enan, deca, obviously eq, and a few others. if your cyp is not soluable in oil you aint got cyp.
hey guys thanks for the info , im new to this so i dint know where i could get the articles i needed. but i appreciate your help.