how do u eat so much kcal??


New member
I have trouble eating the amount of food that is reguired to gain muscle. I can eat 3000 kcal, but more then that is hard. How do I eat that much? My stomach is full after that.
,,, its not easy ,,, currently i'm eating 5200 a day... and it sucks. . . but you have to train your body to do it,, just like anything else. take your time in upping your cals 500 at a time. give it a good month in between before upping it another 500. otherwise you run the risk of really packing the fat on. ALSO !!! don't forget to eat clean... !!! that means chicken,brown rice, veggies, plain ass oatmeal, your shake (in water)..... basics.
eat kcal dense food, dry oatmeal is good for that. one cup=300kcal and i cant eat 3 cups easy like that. mix it with some protein/water or milk and you are set.

if you really cant eat and you are a hardgainer skinny ripped guy i have two words for cream

anybody besides ectomorphs shouldnt really have a hard time eating that much.
Many meals throughout the day, also make your food enjoyable so it is easier to eat more--eat enough vegetables they will leave you hungry later--sort of like the old chinese food addage about being hungry an hour later. Work out really hard and your appetite should increase, but at first it will feel like you are force feeding yourself.
You force it down even when you're gagging on it. Lots of frequent meals helps, but its mostly willpower.
I love food. The ability to eat more food without being considered a total fatass is one of the things that I love about lifting/increased muscle.
mranak said:
I love food. The ability to eat more food without being considered a total fatass is one of the things that I love about lifting/increased muscle.

My philosophy exactly
Yep, will power and calorie dense food. If you are truly an ectomorph that has to fight for every pound that you put on, a Big Mac or four can often be a good thing.
I am no ectomorf, but I think I just have to get just to it and build it up slow. Now am at 3300 kcal so it getting better.
Aboot said:
Yep, will power and calorie dense food. If you are truly an ectomorph that has to fight for every pound that you put on, a Big Mac or four can often be a good thing.

can imagine how cool that would be? i would fucking love that, the ability to eat everything on gods earth just to be 190...