How do you Import stuff from friend abroad ??

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New member
Sup everybody.

So I got my best friend to get some primobolan depot, Test enanthate and oral winny with pct pack in India.. The gear and source is 100% legit and the mailer is my best friend,,,,So how do I get that stuff in States ?? somebody suggested mail and I wanna know do they x-ray that stuff or not ? please let me know how do you guys get your juice across the border..
This is one of those posts that are on the boarder lines of if it should be deleted or not im not quite sure. But I do know we are not suppose to be talking about shipping times or anything like that. And it is probably in your best interest to not talk about smuggling stuff into the country on a open forum board. Their are a lot of people on here. And you never know who is reading what you post.
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