How do you know if you're holding a lot of water? I don't get it.


New member
I understand you apparently get swollen ankles and stuff like that but.. Anything else?

Like how do you guys tell you are holding a lot of water maybe from high estrogen? I have big ankles period so I can't tell if they swell up lol. I don't understand how people tell the difference between water or muscle/fat gain
I can tell once my face starts looking like a water buffalo. No, but seriously. I've put on 10lbs in 2 weeks of my cycle. That to me is clearly water weight and I'm dieting and doing cardio. That's a pretty clear indication to me.
If you are a high bodyfat percentage you should not be cycling at all....

If you are a low bodyfat percentage, you can tell by your body composition whether you are carrying water weight and have become bloated....

I always encourage anybody to get below 16-18% bodyfat before considering running a cycle - as estradiol management becomes incredibly difficult over this.