How do you manage to fit in Protein?


New member
I work in an automotive factory and I'm severely limited on time on the floor. My lunch is rushed as well. I suppose I can maybe fit in a protein shake in the morning and at lunch and maybe eat eggs at lunch but even then we are only talking maybe 90g there. For pete sake I'm constantly hungry as is and I'm not even on a cycle right now. I'm trying to move so I get more time right now but really more sleep time vs additional lift time, eat time. How can I fit it all in?
Sounds to me like you need to take 1 Day a Week, and do all your Cooking.
Then you can pack your meals, and take them to work.

When you have a busy schedule, you need to Prep your Food in advance.
It will free-up some time, and you can eat much healthier to.......................... JP
I prepare two months of food at a time and freeze it into smaller portions. That way I always have food ready for me.

You can use two scoops of protein powder and get 50g of protein in each shake that way. Just tossing out the option there, whole foods are certainly better.