How do you take IGF-DES?


New member
What's the best way to use IGF-1 DES, for its anabolic properties? Im using it prework out 50mcg bilaterally and love it. Some people use it during PCT at 50mcgs 4 days a week, so it'll last a good 4 weeks.

1) pre+post workout?

2) pre workout only

3) pre+post workout, and before bed

Im also using it with cjc1295+GHRP2 (taking the cjc/ghrp2 20 mins be4 igf shot, or just at diff times)
I also use it pre workout at 50 to 100mcg depending on how I'm feeling. Some people get hypo symptoms so make sure you take in some carbs. I've never had an issue. Igf is a glucose disposing agent and will use up carbs pretty quick but it also helps shuttle nutrients similar to insulin so I take 10g bcaa's and 50 protien with it and 10g glutamine. I love igf DES.