How does age effect your hpta with steroids?


New member
Just curious on whats the difference between lets say a 24 year running tren vs a 30 year old? Read something about to young and running tren could fuck up your hpta and age some before you do..please explain if you could someone.
i think its because it lowers your HPTA no matter what, and whenever your older your HPTA is less anyways so you don't notice it as much. but i have no idea. better for one of the vets to help you out/
IMO and this is just a theory of mine, it may be wrong, idk. But I believe that the human body is very resilient. I believe it is hard to fry ur hpta, possible, but hard. Now lets say ur young and ur hpta is still.developing, well that's when the risk of fucking up ur hpta would be a lot easier.
IMO and this is just a theory of mine, it may be wrong, idk. But I believe that the human body is very resilient. I believe it is hard to fry ur hpta, possible, but hard. Now lets say ur young and ur hpta is still.developing, well that's when the risk of fucking up ur hpta would be a lot easier.

My understanding of this is pretty similar as yours thoughts but its one of those things I was hoping someone could throw out some hardcore knowledge on.
Some subscribe to the thought that by shutting down your hpta before age 25 , which is the peak of testosterone production , you may in fact be harming it. Or you take a chance of harming or permanently impairing it. The thing is who knows , because while many young people may do successful pcts and be within clinical range there is no way to know where they might have been had they not,. There is also no way to know that it does in fact damage hpta. One thing is certain steroids before growth plates have fused is a big no no..
Also worth mentioning is there are the highest number of males on trt under the age of 30 than there have ever been. What is this due too ..i dunno...could be awareness , could be the young using steroidss, could be alot of things.
There are no actual medical studies on any of this, so its all case report basis from guys like us on boards like this. The strange thing is that women can be estrogen-progesterone mix for birth control for decades, come off the pill, then have a baby the very next month. It may be dosage related, as the pill is very small amounts of hormone, or it may be that that the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis in women is fundamentally different, but men definitely show more permanent shut down after even moderate AAS use, regardless of age. My educated guess as a medical person is that regardless of your age, AAS usage for say 2-3 years could seriously compromise your natural ability to produce testosterone for the rest of your life. What if you only do a couple cycles? Maybe then you can fully recover, but very few of us only do a couple of cycles. Again, my guess is that extended AAS use irreversibly impacts your HPTA for the rest of your life, possibly by killing the responding cells in either your testis or even in the hypothalamus (feedback neurons) or pituitary. Just be prepared for TRT the rest of your life, and poor sexual function. Price you pay if you want to get big.
Ive noticed at this age (im 40 now) my HPTA recovery post cycle takes a couple weeks longer than it used to when i was cycling in my early thirties. back then a standard PCT of 4 weeks was fine. Now i feel I need 5 to 6 weeks.