How does this cycle look/sound?


Fellas! i am a bit of a new fag, but how does this sound as a cycle,

This is my full Cycle 18ml test enanthate + 100 20mg Stanozolol tabs.

week 1 - 250mg test E,
2 - 250mg test E/30mg Stanozolol Ed
3 - 500mg test E/50mg Stanozolol Ed
4 - 500mg test E/60mg Stanozolol Ed
5 - 500mg test E/60mg Stanozolol Ed
6 - 750mg test E/60mg Stanozolol Ed
7 - 750mg test E/80mg Stanozolol Ed
8 - 750mg test E/80mg Stanozolol Ed
9 - 750mg test E/80mg Stanozolol Ed
10 - 250mg test E.

Ill be taking 100mg doxycycline a day to reduce acne, 12.5mg aromasin ed as a eblocker.

PCT consist of 20mg tamoxifen ed for 45days /50mg clomid ed for 30 days also with 14 days of HCG...
I plan to start my PCT 7 days after my last injection with what i have listen above.

With test enanthate do you need to wait longer for i to get out of your system like Sus250 or does it usually get out rather quick?

Some feedback would be awesome let me know if you'd change anything or if it looks G2G.

Also all product except my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) was sourced through a chemist, it took me ages to find all these products and cost a mint, but seems worth it to me..

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Im 20
105kg coming off a clean bulk, cutting my carbs by 400carbs a day.
diet is 100% in check, i dont take any protein powders only tablets for joint/cutting/multi vitamin by animal.

squat 120kg - 6 reps
bench 110kg - 6 reps
deadlift 100kg 6rep.

what is wrong with the cycle do you believe?
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first cycle 9 weeks sus250 - gains 15kg. massive strength gains, did post cycle therapy (pct). 4 months later im about to cycle again
this is my second cycle and there is alot younger blokes doing it then me haha
thi công s***417;n b***7843; hãy ***273;***7871;n DVN công ty chúng tôi chuyên thi công s***417;n b***7843;, trang trí n***7897;i th***7845;t,*ngo***7841;i th***7845;t v***7899;i giá c***7843; h***7907;p lý nh***7845;t. hãy g***7885;i cho chúng tôi ***273;***7875; ***273;***432;***7907;c giá t***7889;t nh***7845;t 0916930381
first cycle 9 weeks sus250 - gains 15kg. massive strength gains, did post cycle therapy (pct). 4 months later im about to cycle again
this is my second cycle and there is alot younger blokes doing it then me haha

So, because there are alot younger guys then you fucking up their bodies, you think its ok to fuck yours up. Nice philosophy.
Judging by your first cycle, and your proposed second cycle, you have no idea what you are doing.
William Leewellyn's anabolics.. i suggest you read up.

HCG can be used as pct because it is known to get your pituitary gland working again, in studies which are outlined in his book from steroid use you can be without testosterone for up to 6 months, with the use of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) clomid and nolvadex patents showed increased testosterone levels within 30 days...
I suggest you not be a douche fuck. I was simply stating the norm. Not some "book" someone published about how to use illegal substances.. Makes a lot of sense to listen to that dude.

Here is some reading for you. Even after you being a fuck tard, I will still help you out so you don't turn into a women.. Kind of seems like you already started your period (NO offense ladies reading his!)
I suggest you not be a douche fuck. I was simply stating the norm. Not some "book" someone published about how to use illegal substances.. Makes a lot of sense to listen to that dude.

Here is some reading for you. Even after you being a fuck tard, I will still help you out so you don't turn into a women.. Kind of seems like you already started your period (NO offense ladies reading his!)

The Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) use during PCT was designed by Dr. Scally not William Llewellyn. It has been shown to be quite effective but it's reactive not proactive.
William Leewellyn's anabolics.. i suggest you read up.

HCG can be used as pct because it is known to get your pituitary gland working again, in studies which are outlined in his book from steroid use you can be without testosterone for up to 6 months, with the use of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) clomid and nolvadex patents showed increased testosterone levels within 30 days...

That's not Llewellyn's protocol. There's also a better method for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) use but if you read up yourself instead of just suggesting others do so you'd have known that.
The Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) use during PCT was designed by Dr. Scally not William Llewellyn. It has been shown to be quite effective but it's reactive not proactive.

Sounds like, in comparison, letting yourself get gyno then attempting to reverse it. Why not just prevent it in the first place? Common sense would tell you prevention is most desirable.
Sounds like, in comparison, letting yourself get gyno then attempting to reverse it. Why not just prevent it in the first place? Common sense would tell you prevention is most desirable.

Which is exactly why I told OP there's a better method for its use lol. That engineering mind is showing through by your quick analysis lol :p
I say let his retarded ass just F*ck himself up, he read a book after all and knows better than any of us!
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