how does this look for mass?

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Im doing a comp in 16weeks. My diet for the first to weeks is to gain a little muscle mass, then I will modify it to cut for the comp. I will be chemically assisted shall we say. Anyways here it is.

Workout days
meal1- 4 eggs, 2 toast, 1P-butter, 1Whey
meal2 (preworkout)- 1oz walnuts, 1 whey
meal3 (postworkout)- 4scoops of ultrafuel (100g blend of carbs), 2whey
meal4- 1.5cups of brown rice, 7oz turkey, 1tbsp olive oil
meal5- 12oz sweet potato, 7oz beef
meal6- 1 apple, 7oz fish, 1cup pasta
meal7- 1whey, 1 serv carrots.
comes out to 3600 cals (1440carb, 1200pro, 900fat)

Non-workout days
Meal1- 4 eggs, 1 bagle, 1p-butter, 1 whey
meal2- 1 apple, 1.5 cups white rice, 7oz turkey, 1tbsp olive oil
meal3- 12oz potato, 7oz beef, 1oz walnuts
meal4- 2 serv oatmeal, 1 can tuna, 1tbsp honey
meal5- 8oz sweet potato, 3.5 oz fish
meal6- 1cup corn, 3.5 oz beef
meal7-2 whey
comes out to 3600 cals (1440 carb, 1200pro, 900 fat)

remeber this will only be in effect for the first 4 weeks for gaining a little mass. I will slowly taper off the last week of the bulk to adust to a hypocaloric diet.
wow, is there no one this entire forum who knows anthing about diet?
what are your stats????

I would cut back on the whole eggs... perhaps only 2 whole eggs, and add more egg whites. to make up for the fat loss, more EFA's such as avocados or nuts or fish oil would be great.

Instead of bagels and toast, id swtich that to oatmeal.

whey before bed is not ideal, too fast absorbing, unless it is a casein or egg blend.
cottage cheese or eggs (or slow digesting protein pwoder)and some EFA's would be perfect.
hey Reese, thanks a lot. Im 21yrs, 5'4", 173lbs. To maintain weight, my body uses about 3000cal/day. Plus I am on gear.
I would up the tbsp. of honey to 1 1/2 on non work out days. And lower the tbsp. of olive oil to 1/2 on workout days.
nateman06 said:
wow, is there no one this entire forum who knows anthing about diet?

There is plenty of people that know a thing about diet in this forum-

The problem lies with the fact that you have not listened to what people have said to you.

How much actual muscle tissue do you think your going to add in 4 weeks?? Maybe a 1 lb or 2 --

You would be better off starting your diet and allowing yourself to come in shape.