How does this look?


New member
So I'm planning my 3rd cycle and was wondering if anyone might have some helpful input. Please feel free to critique anything you wouldn't do or would adjust.

My first cycle was 600mg Test E for 10 weeks.

My 2nd cycle was 500mg test E 14 weeks. Week 1-6 dbol 50mg.


26 years old


190lbs(yeah I know I'm light. I'm a hard gainer, was only 130lbs when I started training).

Lifting off and on for around 8 years. Last 3 regularly/properly/DEDICATED

For my 3rd cycle I was thinking as follows;

750mg test E weeks 1-14

400mg Deca weeks 1-12

50mg Dbol daily weeks 1-4

50mg Tbol daily weeks 8-12

12.5mg Aromasin ED weeks 2-14

Liver guard 2 tabs daily
1000mg milk thistle daily


Clomid 100/50/50/50/25-indefinitely

Nolva 40/20/20/20

UDCA for liver recovery

Workout routine;

I do all heavy power lifts like bench/squat/deadlift at 5 sets/5reps. Other workouts sets of 10 reps with the exception of abs and calves which I go higher.

day 1-chest/tri

day 2-legs/abs

day 3-rest

day-4 shoulder/forearms

day 5 back/bi

day 6 rest

day 7-cardio


Meal 1
shake 25g isolate/6 eggs/16oz milk/banana
1 cup oats or 4 slices Ezekiel bread/wheat bread
Personally I eat my oats raw with milk and honey.

Meal 2
5oz chicken breast
10oz red potatoes

Meal 3
4oz turkey or 8oz fish
1 can of black beans or kidney beans

Meal 4
5oz chicken breast
2 cups of brown rice

shake 50g isolate/6eggs/16oz milk/banana
1 bagel

Meal 6
8oz steak or hamburger
1 cup of greek yogurt

I am ALWAYS bulking.
Looks pretty good to me brother. Your workouts sound a lot like mine. The main thing I'm looking at here is the diet. Do you know your caloric intake and protein, carb, fat ratio?
Looks pretty good to me brother. Your workouts sound a lot like mine. The main thing I'm looking at here is the diet. Do you know your caloric intake and protein, carb, fat ratio?
The calories are around 4200-4400 on that diet if I did my math right but might be higher. Not sure the exact ratio. When I get the motivation to sit here with google and figure it out I'll let you know. I know its pretty low in fat and very high in protein and pretty high in carbs too. Thanks for the response bro.