How does this look


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How would this cycle look? What anti-e's should be added?

Weeks 1-10 250mg Sustanon (sust) eod
weeks 1-10 100mg fina ed
weeks 4-10 100mg prop ed

Just wondering if the prop is ok right there. I have lots of it and heard it was good so just wondering.
run the prop and fina 3-12, so u have some in ur system while the undeconate ester clears
If you had enough prop, I'd say do prop at 100mg ED throughout the entire cycle. If not get more test. Throw in some dball and you will get huge!!!!!
sust eod??? why? why not once or twice a week???

The prop is just fine right there.....but as mentioned above....I would try to extend it a few weeks to let the longer esters from all the tests in Sustanon (sust) clear your system.

and tren for that long will shut you down in immense proportions....maybe shorten it to 6 - 8 weeks.....I'd start it with the prop and run it to week 10....then continue on just prop for the next 2 - 3 weeks.

For example:

wk 1 - 10 Sustanon (sust) 250 mgs/wk
wk 4 - 10 tren 100 mgs/ed
wk 4 - 12 prop 100 mgs/ed
JohnnyB said:
The eod on the sus is to take advantage of the prop in it.


Exactly.....I would just leave out the Sus and run prop all the way through if u have enough. You'll have fun on that Fina:D
oh ok.

I'm not too experienced with Sustanon (sust) so I wasn't sure.

But I would stay away from Sustanon (sust) anyway....too much of an aggravation.
ontheedge1 said:
How would this cycle look? What anti-e's should be added?

Weeks 1-10 250mg Sustanon (sust) eod
weeks 1-10 100mg fina ed
weeks 4-10 100mg prop ed

Just wondering if the prop is ok right there. I have lots of it and heard it was good so just wondering.
How bout this instead:

Weeks 1-10: sust250 EOD
Weeks 4-14: fina @ 100mgs ED
Weeks 1-14: prop @ 50mgs ED


Weeks 1-10: sust250 EOD
Weeks 1-4: prop @ 100mgs ED
Weeks 10-12: prop @ 100 mgs ED
Weeks 2-12: fina @ 100mgs ED

Reason being is you're overloading the back end of your cycle and not getting enough test in the beginning. What do you think?
JohnnyB said:
The eod on the sus is to take advantage of the prop in it.

The best reason to use Sustanon (sust) ed or eod is to keep blood levels fairly stable...the prop will effect the body whether its shot ed or every week although ur blood levels will be extremely fucked up shootin it every week
wks 1-3 250 Sustanon (sust) ED
wks 4-8 250 Sustanon (sust) EOD
wks 4-10 100mg PropED
wks 4-10 100mg TrenED

I dont know you, but 100mgED prop + 250Sust EOD is 1575 test a week. Maybe you realised that though. You may consider dropping to 50 or 75mg ED. Youd know better than me.