How Important Is Peptides To Your Experiment?


New member
I'm very surprised I do not see more experiments with peptides here. Does anyone use HGH in there experiments? If you're not using HGH then you need to be using peptides on your lab rats. Using anabolics only take advantage of cell volumizing. Peptides push your lab experiments past the genetic barrier. You're experiments are seriously missing out if you're not using something to stimulate cell production in an almost synergistic method with Anabolics.

In lamens terms, it's like adding nitro to a muscle car. Once you use a peptide and notice the incredible boost and edge it gives your lab rats. You'll never want to do a cycle with out them.

Anabolics cell volumize while peptides stimulate new cells that give your lab animals that thick new muscle and stimulate lagging muscles.
At this point they are becoming more and more important to me! I'm about to blast my injury with some DES for 20 days, I'll keep you all posted on how that goes.
Where's your injury Zeek? Does DES help heal injured muscles?

IGF helps heal injuries. Boosted IGF levels from HGH is what has given HGH the rep for healing that it has. It is also well documented to accelerate healing in general and that includes burns which on their own really don't heal very well.

I'm hoping since DES is powerful and fast acting that i can make some progress in the right direction faster than I would have just waiting it out.

edit: I jnever did answer your question on what the injury was. Something is pinching my sciatic nerve and causing me lots of pain! So far they are saying my spine looks ok but need more thorough testing which is coming up. Xrays so far don't show damage other than inflamation Where there is smoke there is fire! something is up to be causing this

I have two days left of predistone and so far after two courses of it nothing has changed.
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I'm very surprised I do not see more experiments with peptides here. Does anyone use HGH in there experiments? If you're not using HGH then you need to be using peptides on your lab rats. Using anabolics only take advantage of cell volumizing. Peptides push your lab experiments past the genetic barrier. You're experiments are seriously missing out if you're not using something to stimulate cell production in an almost synergistic method with Anabolics.

In lamens terms, it's like adding nitro to a muscle car. Once you use a peptide and notice the incredible boost and edge it gives your lab rats. You'll never want to do a cycle with out them.

Anabolics cell volumize while peptides stimulate new cells that give your lab animals that thick new muscle and stimulate lagging muscles.

Peptides are so important to me..My subject doesn't want to use anabolics right now not to cause HPTA supression, because it's time for reproduction!! It's getting harder to gain mass for a 38 year old man without any gear.

I'm researching DES and MGF right now. That's my first deal with peptides and i'm very pleased with the results. Now i'm looking forward to research PEG MGF, Thymosin and GHRH/GHRP combo. DES+PEG+GHRH/GHRP+Thymosin is going to be my next research.
Ghrp/ghrh/igf should be on every AAS users list. Honestly I'm thinking I should spend more time on this combo and less on gh simply because I don't have human grade gh and the rest is not worth using. These peptides could have issues as well but find a good sponsor, and run your blood work. Gh is a protien just like peptides.

AAS will increase the size of the cells but gh/gh peptides thru igf will create more so why leave these out.