How 'important' is protein for non-bodybuilders - like Martial Artists?!

Future Prodigy

New member
I have for the last couple months slowly shyed away from my days in the gym and have instead spent more and more time in the dojo traning. It dawned on me the other day, "should i still be eating all this protein if im no longer lifting weights"

I understand that protein is the building block of all muscle and what not... but what do you guys think? If your doing cardio/martial arts 5-6x a week and lift very rarely, do we need to be keeping our protein intake as high? Your muscles are naturally deteriorating anyways due to all the cardio involved in martial arts.
training in the "dojo" is a workout too. just like lifting weights.
you don't want to look like a skinny emo right?

eat ur fud
i wouldn't say your muscles are deteriorating from the cardio. It would be hard to gian muscle but i would get still get a decent amount of protein to try and atleast maintain your strength.

i'm thinking of also leaving the gym for martial arts, how has that gone for you?
protien is important for everyone imo, i try to get my old lady to do a shake a day, because she is pregnant. she doesn't workout at all. i think a high protein diet is beneficial whether you workout or not
also, if you look at the shakes they make for old people, like boost shakes, they are high in protein. why would this be if it were not necessary, b/c you know those old fuckers are not lifting heavy weights
all i know is most athletes eat like shit (when compared to bb'ing) and they still manage to be very successful at what they do. That being said, every bit helps. If you can mantain or even gain muscle you will be that much of a better fighter.
you don´t need as much protein as a bodybuilder but you still need good quality protein. martial arts is mainly skill and endurance so you definitly need a bit of carbs especially if your loading up for a fight.
Future Prodigy said:
Your muscles are naturally deteriorating anyways due to all the cardio involved in martial arts.
heres your reason right here. it doesnt have to be as high as someone trying to gain mass, but enough to prevent muscle wasting and maintain strength for training.
Whether you are a bodybuilder, fighter or just a normal person protein is essential. Protein performs functions in the body that carbohydrates and fats (the other types of energy supplying [calories] nutrients) cannot.