New member
Ok i have been competing the whole summer and just this past week i have finally been off my diet and training and everything. So i have took one week off and i have been eating everything in site. I will start my diet, cardio, and workout routine back up this coming week. However, i have put on ALOT of weight and i am wantin to lean back up as fast as i can just so i can keep that lean look for the rest of the summer. I will be off of all roids. i have taken dnp before at 600mg day for 2 weeks and i didnt do cardio. I was thinking that this time i would do maybe 400mg dnp and keep my cardio the same and run t3/clen with this for the next 2 weeks. does t3 tear away that much muscle from you please help me out? Do you think i should just do 200mg dnp for 3 weeks instead? from your experiences what would you recommend? thanks in advance.