So I've been pining some test e since my 20th birthday I eat like a monster roughly 250g protien each day
I'm on week 4 of the cycle now and my traps look insane also sitting with what I suspect to be test flu
anyway in order for me to see true anabolic results I'm 13st 11%bf my goal is 16st at least if I where to add say Masterson dbol and all the esters of test or sust or whatever will I see insane results? Whatever it takes right?
Also before anybody starts calling me out for being on at this age well I use to be a Polly drug user with a real bad opiet addiction on top so yeah I'd rather risk something that's less deadly than walking up some stairs over well heroin ***128077;
I'm on week 4 of the cycle now and my traps look insane also sitting with what I suspect to be test flu
anyway in order for me to see true anabolic results I'm 13st 11%bf my goal is 16st at least if I where to add say Masterson dbol and all the esters of test or sust or whatever will I see insane results? Whatever it takes right?
Also before anybody starts calling me out for being on at this age well I use to be a Polly drug user with a real bad opiet addiction on top so yeah I'd rather risk something that's less deadly than walking up some stairs over well heroin ***128077;