How long before I see true gains test e 300mg pw


New member
So I've been pining some test e since my 20th birthday I eat like a monster roughly 250g protien each day

I'm on week 4 of the cycle now and my traps look insane also sitting with what I suspect to be test flu

anyway in order for me to see true anabolic results I'm 13st 11%bf my goal is 16st at least if I where to add say Masterson dbol and all the esters of test or sust or whatever will I see insane results? Whatever it takes right?

Also before anybody starts calling me out for being on at this age well I use to be a Polly drug user with a real bad opiet addiction on top so yeah I'd rather risk something that's less deadly than walking up some stairs over well heroin ***128077;
Your going about it the wrong way. More gear doesn't necessarily mean more gains. Your diet is key. Work on getting your diet nailed down and gains will be there.

Realistically, your not going to blow up and be a pro bodybuilder on a 12 week cycle. You gotta check your ego and stick to your game plan.
You didn't say how much test you are taking, for how long, if you are using an AI, and your PCT plans.

All that is important if you want to get any kind of worthwhile response.

Most likely adding masteron won't do anything for you. Focus on getting the test dosage right, estrogen management, and keeping your gains with a good PCT - then you can decide if you need to up the game or not.

Edit - Whoops, sorry saw in your title 300 test E pw. That should be 500 to see dramatic results. At 20 years old 300 might only be boosting your natural levels 50%, or perhaps at best 100%.
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If you want to gain size and bulk, masteron wont really do much except for increase libido. It is when you are cutting and want to be hard and veiny, masteron can help with that. If you want size, look into testE, Anadrol, or dbol. Make sure you have your anti-E on hand because those aromatize like a mother
Just noticed your only 20 years old. Really all you should be doing is concentrating on diet and training. Save the gear for when you will need it to make gains...
your an out of control car, your just going to mess yourself up for life. aas at your age is not reccomended especially when your wanting to add more and more compounds. see you in the trt forums,later.