How long before my 2nd cycle and what do you all consider a good 2nd cycle.


New member
Hello everyone. Going to be wrapping up my first cycle within the next 3 weeks and then starting pct. my stats are: 38 yrs old
Male. 170lbs 5'7" 17% body fat currently. Went down from 28% body fat. ran winny test and tren 1cc each for 6 weeks now running test tren and proviron for another 6. My post will be HCG clomid and nova. How long should I wait to run a second cycle and what do you all recommend? I'm not looking to bulk too much b/c of my height. Want to look fit/cut with definition. I've put on muscle mass while shredding fat. My weight is the same as when I started but obviously more of that is muscle now.
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time off equals time on plus pct. if tren didn't give bad sides u can use it again to cut up with either prop and or masteron.
Easy math in the wait time. Thanks no bad side effects with Trdn. Some bad back acne at frat which has subsided completely. Blood pressure is fine and have been taking Omegas like crazy and milk thistle. Liver seems fine. No pain/dark urine. Super clear actually. I have some testicular atrophy but I was expecting that. Guess that's what the HCg is for.
time off equals time on plus pct. if tren didn't give bad sides u can use it again to cut up with either prop and or masteron.
Think I'll try the tren/test prop and masteron the 2nd go around unless someone less may have any other suggestions. Just read up on masteron. Seems sweet
time off equals time on plus pct. if tren didn't give bad sides u can use it again to cut up with either prop and or masteron.