how long does it take after a 2 week clen cycle for receptors to get back to normal?

Thanks. When they say receptora downgrade it means the effects of clen become less effective? Or it includes caffeine too?

its clen not caffeine, but ofcourse over time people that drink alot of coffee usually can take more where as someone that doesnt drink much has a cup and bounces off the walls hyper. but its not like clen at all.

I rec just getting keto though.
Thanks. When they say receptora downgrade it means the effects of clen become less effective? Or it includes caffeine too?

Caffeine works in a slightly different way, but yes - it's downregulation of your adrenergic receptors. Essentially you'll stop noticing any benefit from the clen at all. Caffeine should be okay, just don't start taking grams of it to compensate while refreshing your receptors.