as far as my plan of attack for my next cycle of supps.....ill be taking the m1t for for 21 days at 5mg (i might increase if feel that 5 is not enough) right along w/the animal m-stack and the gro pro(universal product that has the creatine, tribulus and dhea in it). along with that i will be taking a post work out shake(lava by universal has creatine and l-gluamine plus bcaa in it....),a joint supp and ala, along with an increase in pro and carbs and far as a post cycle therapy (pct) im not sure ive seen several post claiming its not neccisary a few that say its a good idea ......i might just continue taking the m-stack due to the fact that it has an Anti-Aromatase Inhibitors:
5,7-Dihydroxyflavone: 100 mg
Kudzu Extract: 150 mg
and it has DHT Blockers:
Saw Palmetto Extract: 200 mg
Beta Sitosterol: 250 mg
Pygeum Extract: 50 mg
built right into it plus the m1t i will be taking has milk thistle175mg each pill and the m stack has 75mg of milk thislte and Lysophosphatidylcholine: 50 mg (from lecithin)built into it.if you dont think thats good just let me know........and although both performance_issues and Bast have been helpful i still would like to know if i need to wait a week after i come off my andro cycle or just jump on into the m1t.........and like i said if theres anything else u need to know to help just let me know...........