How long to wait in between cycles


New member
So I'm PCTing with clomid and an AI off of 500 test e a week for 12 wks. It was my first real cycle( I had tried some dbol in college, that was over 10yrs ago) And I'm wondering what is a good rule of thumb as far as time in between cycles. I've read/heard that typically its stay off as long as you were on. If that's the case does that include PCT or after last pin. I'm bursting with anticipation for the next one, I see how easy it would be just to stay on. Only sides I noticed was spike in BP, just upped my meds and kept grindin. Thanks for the help
Time on= Time off+ PCT

Not strictly true... Time on + Time between cycle and PCT + PCT = Time until next cycle.

ie: 14 week Test cycle - 18 days for exogenous Test to lower - 4 week PCT = 20+ weeks...

I'm a stickler for numbers! (Sorry Shovel)

Obviously this is in an ideal world - ideally you'd be much better going by bloodwork before jumping back on.

This will ensure recovery and give you a baseline for your next cycle.

As long as your bloods look good, you're g2g :)
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So I'm PCTing with clomid and an AI off of 500 test e a week for 12 wks. It was my first real cycle( I had tried some dbol in college, that was over 10yrs ago) And I'm wondering what is a good rule of thumb as far as time in between cycles. I've read/heard that typically its stay off as long as you were on. If that's the case does that include PCT or after last pin. I'm bursting with anticipation for the next one, I see how easy it would be just to stay on. Only sides I noticed was spike in BP, just upped my meds and kept grindin. Thanks for the help

Wait a minute? You're PCT consists of Clomid and an AI? :sad:
Ai should of been used during the cycle from day one.
As for pct, clomid as well as nolvadex should be taken.
Clomid 100/100/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Thas what i do.
Yea I was taking AI along with the cycle and thought it made since to take it during PCT to avoid rebound, still learning and I'm only doing 12.5 eod of the AI
Not strictly true... Time on + Time between cycle and PCT + PCT = Time until next cycle.

ie: 14 week Test cycle - 18 days for exogenous Test to lower - 4 week PCT = 20+ weeks...

I'm a stickler for numbers! (Sorry Shovel)

Obviously this is in an ideal world - ideally you'd be much better going by bloodwork before jumping back on.

This will ensure recovery and give you a baseline for your next cycle.

As long as your bloods look good, you're g2g :)

What exactly do you look for in your bloodwork that will ensure you that you've recovered fully? Are you just looking for your test to return to normal or do Estrogen, LH, FSH etc. have to be at a certain level to show that you've fully recovered?
What exactly do you look for in your bloodwork that will ensure you that you've recovered fully? Are you just looking for your test to return to normal or do Estrogen, LH, FSH etc. have to be at a certain level to show that you've fully recovered?

Between six to eight weeks after PCT, you would look at LH/FSH/testosterone/estradiol and liver values along with a CBC are good ideas. There are other things that can be helpful, like thyroid, but LH and FSH along with testosterone are the big ones.
Between six to eight weeks after PCT, you would look at LH/FSH/testosterone/estradiol and liver values along with a CBC are good ideas. There are other things that can be helpful, like thyroid, but LH and FSH along with testosterone are the big ones.

^^^ This ^^^

I would also add HCT to that equation so you can decide whether a donation or 2 is needed.
Not strictly true... Time on + Time between cycle and PCT + PCT = Time until next cycle.

ie: 14 week Test cycle - 18 days for exogenous Test to lower - 4 week PCT = 20+ weeks...

I'm a stickler for numbers! (Sorry Shovel)

Obviously this is in an ideal world - ideally you'd be much better going by bloodwork before jumping back on.

This will ensure recovery and give you a baseline for your next cycle.

As long as your bloods look good, you're g2g :)

well said here