How Long?


New member
How long should you stick to a diet to see if its working? and what is considered working? I've been on mine for 2 weeks this is middle of week 3 first week i lost 3 pounds then second i gained a pound...what could this mean...and how much longer should i do it before i abandon it

Post up your diet. Also your workouts/cardio. I would also put everything in fitday for a day or two to see what your actually eating. I mean every single time you open your mouth to put food in it, put it in fitday. You'll be incredibly surprised at the results. It's somewhat of a PITA but once you do it religiously for a day or two you will see where your going wrong (if your going wrong) Also, spend the time to add your custom foods. Once they're entered its simple to update your daily intake.

We'll get ya on the right track.
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my diet and routine is all on my journey to cutting... but here it is

meal1 cal/fat/carb/pro
2 large whole eggs 167/12.2/1.3/12.3
2 whole wheat toast 150/2/26.7/6.3

meal2 cal/fat/carb/pro
6oz chicken breast w/o skin 177/3.8/0/33.2
1 cup of broccoli 102/5.1/13.2/4.4
2 whole wheat toast 150/2/26.7/6.3

meal3 cal/fat/carb/pro
6oz chicken breast w/o skin 177/3.8/0/33.2
1 medium sweet potato 172/0.17/23.6/2.3

pwo cal/fat/carb/pro
whey shake 150/0/0/35
Apple 71/0.23/19.1/0.36
Orange 61.6/0.16/15.4/1.2

meal4 cal/fat/carb/pro
2 chicken thighs 303.7/19/0/30.8
1 cup of broccoli 102/5.1/13.2/4.4

meal5 cal/fat/carb/pro
6oz chicken breast w/o skin 177/3.8/0/33.2
1 cup of broccoli 102/5.1/13.2/4.4

meal6 cal/fat/carb/pro
8oz turkey breast 379/18.8/0/49

Calories: 2370.3 Fat: 81.44 Carbs: 159.4 Protien: 238.56
Day 1 legs

Squats – 3x10
Leg press – 3x10 (switch to leg extension every 2 weeks)
Deadlift – 3x10
Straight leg Deadlift – 3x10
Lunges – 3x10 (barbell and dumbbell switch every 3 weeks)
leg curls – 3x10

Day 2 chest

Incline Bench press – 3x10 (switch from Barbell to Dumbbell every 3 weeks)
Flat bench – 3x10 (same as incline switch every 3 weeks)
Decline Bench – 3x10
Bench flys – 3x10
Pecdeck/cable flys – 3x10
Push ups with medicine ball 3x7

Day 3 back

Lat pull Down – 3x10
Seated Row – 3x10
Bent Over Row – 3x10 (switch grips every other set over and under)
T bar – 3x10
Dumbbell Row – 3x10

Day 4 triceps & shoulders

Body dips – 3x10
Flat/Decline close grip Bench press – 3x10 (switch every 3 weeks)
Triceps pull downs – 3x10 (either rope or pull down bar)
Standing Military Press – 3x10
Reverse Peckdeck – 3x10
Seated Dumbbell shoulder press – 3x10
Lateral raises – 3x10

Day 5 biceps & traps

Barbell curls – 3x10
Seated Dumbbell curls – 3x10
Seated Barbell curls – 3x10 (either machine or preacher bar/Easy bar)
Barbell shrugs – 3x10 (switch to dumbbells every 2 weeks)
Looks clean, I see some minor things but you should be leaning up at those numbers. Dont pay too close attention to your weight but your shape. Are you leaning up? Take some pics and compare. You could be adding lbm and dropping fat (which is your goal by the way)

I always watch the scale but not so much for my weight I do it to see if my weight spikes or drops i try to find out why.

Are you eating close to your needs or well below?

3J will chime in im sure. Im interested in hearing what he has to say.
its interesting that he lost weight and then gained it... something must have gone wrong..

thats a red flag for me.. but lets do this.. stick to the diet for another 2 weeks.. see what happens.. take measurments of your body.. neck, waist, arms, chest, thighs.. etc.. and we'll figure this out..

u might not be eating enough for all i know.. im not sure.. only time will tell..
this is all predicated on you following your diet to the T...
about the weight, maybe holding water? 3j what kinda red flags does that raise.. slight inconsistence or cheat???

gully - that diet and training sounds really onpoint! keep it up brother
will take measurements today...and will compare them in 2 weeks..i hope this all works out man im starting to get i dont consider myself fat or obese but pretty the same time...its summer time now and all the summer clothing is now...and i feel embarrassed. i have made some mistakes on my diet...but i also made some mistakes on my first week and still managed to loose weights...the week is almost over...gonna try to finish up strong...and not fuck up at all next week...
Don't be embarrassed buddy just the fact that you're here posting and researching shows you care. Stick to the diet, Im gonna find your journal and read up are you doing cardio? I saw a huge improvement doing morning cardio on empty stomach. So has my wife and she was small to begin with.

Gluck and stick with it dude, good things will come.
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^^^^^ x's 2 dont be embarrased its way to early in the game to stress, like Welt said you may have gainded some lbm. Taking my measuresments was the best thing I did cuz without that I would not have noticed my arms growing almost an inch and my belly shrinking around 2" now but I'm still up some lbs, tape up buddy and see what you come up with then check in 2 weeks you might be surprised

3J is it ok that he is eating 2 slices of wheat toast back to back meals? I was under the impression you eat Pro-carb then Pro-fat thats how ive been doing it anyway and its workin great for me
I've been trying to have a diet program, but everytime I'm in it, I always gain weight. And when I gave up I lost weight. It's weird.

But now I'm even fatter than before and want to start a new diet program.

My friend said that the first thing I have to do is to stop thinking about food, is that true?
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i might actually try the whole cardio in the morning

gully, it will make a world of difference. Even if you only do 20 minutes then work your way up. When i started 15-20 minutes was all i could do, now i do 60 minutes a session with no trouble. Watch the fat start falling off when you up your cardio
I've been trying to have a diet program, but everytime I'm in it, I always gain weight. And when I gave up I lost weight. It's weird.

But now I'm even fatter than before and want to start a new diet program.

My friend said that the first thing I have to do is to stop thinking about food, is that true?

Not to be rude but... You should start up your own thread on this, this is Gully's thread. but quick answer to your Q its not about not eating its about eating the right food at the right time, start up a thread then look at 3J's sticky and we'll help you out bro